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Everything posted by Forever_blueco

  1. I think yer decent enough poster lhictie and can enjoy a good laugh or even debate about our different views but my honest opinion is that you are one the many that has let the referendum warp their mind a bit and the Eu referendum has had a similar effect on some people aswell and take over aspects of their life a wee bit . I remember having many good conversations with you back when we shared a division with Arbroath and about a year before the whole referendum carry on swept the country and so on but your attititude changed slightly after that . My advice is keep yer passion for your views but chill out a wee bit over it
  2. That bianca just said "am not being funny but I find it hilarious the way she pronounces things" talking about Chloe like she has never experienced a Geordie accent before ...
  3. It's now just basically friends with nerds as the main characters
  4. The fourth one was bearable , the last one when he ends up in russia is unbearably shite and McClane just comes across as an arsehole at times . First three are superb though , but watching that last one and when you compare just how great the first one is to the last one , it's almost heartbreaking
  5. Nothing certain yet in regards to a new series , it's usually on every two years so an announcement probably won't be made till later in the year regardless
  6. I am not here to white knight our support but your idea of the Celtic support being some beacon of purity is utter horseshite
  7. That would be a lie though , being a noble Ayrshireman he has no doubt slipped the tongue in one of his relatives
  8. It's even better when you have a bird mate , you should try it some time
  9. Celtic , the club with more fines than away points in their champions league history
  10. I am glad yous think we are shower of c***s , yous thought we were a shower of c***s before our supposed death so it makes no difference to me . Don't let us forget if needs be , but do you think hand in heart that when whenever the good times return at rangers which is inevitable sooner or later -but right now later looking more probable - that most rangers fans are going to give a f**k . Be honest
  11. that is Usually that guy went on to have the good job, smashing wife and big house because he just kept himself to himself whilst the riffraff got left behind clinging onto their nostalgic teenage memories when their life was not filled with such failuire .
  12. I hand on my heart do think we would give nowhere near the attention Celtic fans give us if the situations were reversed . That's not me being big headed or whatever but it really is true that Celtic support as a collective seem more interested in rangers than vice versa . I said this a few weeks back , if I firmly believed Celtic had died I would have gave their defence of such actions the same response most of their conspiracy theories got from me , a sly smile and a wink. I would not spend day after day looking through and investigating their accounts and blogs all about them etc . I lose interest discussing the rangers board never mind theirs
  13. The first two series were outstanding television
  14. Intact coming to think of it , eurus did reveal that moriarty had a smarter older brother did she not
  15. Nah it had me fooled , I will admit that
  16. Buzzing that gus is back for this series
  17. Not going to lie I was gutted when the return of moriarty turned out to be nothing more than a flashback . was thinking here we go , shit is about to get real
  18. Consider this your SPOILER warning to people as I am on mobile aswell This, she went through all the trouble of organising what seemed to be the return of moriarty , pretended to be a stranger on the bus who fancied John to make him possibly cheat on his wife , pretended to be his therapist and shot him with aTranquilliser , pretended to be a client of sherlocks , blew up his house , nearly made John or mycroft kill an innocent man in order to spare his wife even though she killed the wife anyway , nearly made Sherlock kill Watson or mycroft ,threw John down a well , revealed she killed sherlocks other brother because they would not play pirate games with her and in the end it all seemed to be just because she wanted someone to play the violin with . As as I said it was great for the first seventy minutes , outstanding probably but it lacked that moment in the end where Sherlock has it Sussed , I was expecting it to be from the bit where he first meets her and she asks him to look at her and he maybe noticed something which had him in control the whole time or the bit where he is knocked out to work out in his mind what the five minute conversation between her and moriarty would have been like or something
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