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Everything posted by Forever_blueco

  1. He joins Ronnie and warbs in the great Scottish football managing minters in the sky . Goodbye mark xx
  2. Seen it all now aswell . Outstanding . The ending was so obvious when you think about it but still caught me completely off guard
  3. Can understand @dave.j rage , I mean my post seems to have taken the thread way off topic from the no doubt relevant discussion about the origins of the word "tarrier" on a thread which in his eyes should only be about rangers financial fuckwittery . I am sure that was next on his target of discussions which should probably be on another thread aswell .
  4. f**k up . It's in the most used thread in the Rangers and Celtic part of the forum
  5. Not sure where else to post this but unfortunate to hear about billy McNeil's battle with Alzheimer's . A giant of the old firm arena and one of the few still left from a generation where grudging respect and sharp humour accomponied the sporting rivalry
  6. I also regularly moan about people moaning about dots aswell , weird behavior . I am sorry but I just couldn't picture myself looking at a Celtic forum never mind seven year old threads
  7. I never said they weren't . I just don't see the appeal in trawling another teams forum and digging up seven year old threads . The fact you see this as normal behavior also amuses me
  8. That has to be the most desperate attempt at regurgitating the old club/ new club arguement I have ever seen .even before mentioning the fact it is an utter word salad of a post . Seek help
  9. I find the fact people go to such lengths like digging seven year old threads from other forums bizarre behavior
  10. I never called you out on your advice to tedi , I called you out on the fact you are a hypocrite. On one hand lambasting Bennett for point scoring over child abuse whilst making snide remarks about tedi liking 5 year olds . Hilarious stuff mate
  11. Well you wonder he acts like he does to certain posters . Look at the sort of thing you are accusing him off . Would you give people hitting out with that sort of shite towards you any time of day . You say your issue with Bennett is point scoring over child abuse yet you seem quite content to use it as a cheap jibe towards another poster and wonder why he acts like a cunt towards some posters ?
  12. Nice of you to offer tedi some advice but on the basis of that sort of patter you are churning out towards him , if I was in his shoes I would tell you to fuck off
  13. Hold on you make a point about child abuse point scoring but only a few short posts ago to me you made some snide remark about my grammar resembling a 5 years olds with a cheeky "tedi likes this" comment underneath .
  14. It's the fact that when some weird behavior is brought up such as the post you brought up earlier that many on here just see it as normal behavior . Honestly baffles me so much the time and effort so many put into discussing us on here by some , it genuinely can not be healthy
  15. Thanks for the input . Think the nurse is calling you for your meds again . See you tomorrow when no doubt you will once again bless us with your Intellectual input once more
  16. Well I consider myself an expert on the topic and know a biter when I see one
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