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Bairn in Exile

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Everything posted by Bairn in Exile

  1. The opposition have Alfie sussed. His whole game is about running at the opposition's defence yet every time he got the ball he either had his back to the goals or he was surrounded by 2-3 defenders. In both situations he had no other option but to lay the ball off.
  2. No offence was intended and I hope that none was taken. Sorry about your poor circulation. Up until a few years ago, without really trying, I was fairly healthy. Now I've got a prostate the size of a Scania inner tube, which has led to an inguinal hernia and I also have sacroiliac joint pain. Do i let it get me down? Do I f*ck.
  3. You'll get no arguments from me there, getting old isn’t great but it has to be better than the alternative, surely? And it has to depend on attitude and the “type of old” that you are. You see some folk in their 60s or 70s, stuck in a rut, occupying the same seat at the social club for the last 30 years, life is a drudge, just waiting for the Grim Reaper. Then you have your “Still Game” type of old, in their 60s - 80s, having a laugh, trying new things, having a bit of colour in their lives, thumbing their noses at Death and looking to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. Get your thermals on, wrap up warm, get to the game and enjoy yourself! You're a long time deid.
  4. A brilliant time for the kick off as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Is it just me or are we sometimes too transparent with regards to letting the fans know who is injured and who is likely to miss a game etc.? Surely we should keep the opposition guessing up to the last minute that Spencer or Yeats or whoever are going to miss out through injury? Or is McGlynn pulling a master-stoke and putting false info out into the public domain and one or both of them are going to be able to play?
  6. Won't all the the other QOTS supporters be leaving at that time too though? Just as busy only an hour earlier than normal.
  7. Just up and watched the highlights on YouTube. Friday night and and live on the telly or not, what a shite attendance at the game. A bit of a pretendy derby, eh? Knowing our luck, if we manage to get promoted this season the sister shaggin' mutants will contrive to get themselves relegated.
  8. Bairns fan in peace. Even although we are only talking about football, we are all passionate supporters else we wouldn’t be taking time out of our days to post on P&B. When your club is badly underperforming compared to recent history, it hurts like hell (I’ve followed the Bairns for over 50 years, I know). This can lead some fans to seek humour with “edgy” topics and posts (been there, done that) and while just trying to lighten the mood, it can inadvertently cause offence to some other posters who maybe have family history. I am sure that no harm was meant by the Alzheimer’s post but because of the doom and gloom currently surrounding your club, this can make fans more touchy than normal and they then lash out at fellow fans, maybe posters who they got on really well with on this forum in the past. Time for all you Doonhamers to take a deep breath and take a chill pill. You will shortly have a new manager. You will not get relegated. You will remain a full-time club. Life will go on.
  9. I wonder if Yogi has ever tried to do an Owen Coyle or David Robertson and applied for some overseas positions in the likes of India? The longer that he is totally out of the game the less chance he has of picking something up.
  10. He got his jotters from Plymouth Argyle and Morecambe gave him a chance to resurrect his career and he did well with them, got them promoted to League 1 and then immediately left them and dropped down to League 2 with Bradford where things didn’t go very well and he got sacked. Morecambe, meanwhile, had been relegated to League 2 and they then gave him another chance and he has them just outside the play-off places but with a couple of games in hand. Now he is rumoured to be dumping Morecambe yet again, after all they have done for him, and heading back to Ross County - my knowledge of Adams is that he is a non-swearing Christian – you would think that he would know all about Judas?
  11. Yep, it was well worth setting the alarm for 2.30am, what a performance. And besides, Saturday today, a long lie-in or do you work Saturdays?
  12. Can you hear me? George Galloway, Brian Cox, Fred Housego, Liz McColgan, Hen Broon, Daphne Broon, The Twins, Oor Wullie, Fat Boab, Soapy Soutar. . . . . . Your boys took a hell of a beating!
  13. We're right in their faces, just like Edinburgh City were against us, great to see.
  14. Awake at 2.37am to watch us in the Mickey Mouse cup - I'm worse than daft.
  15. Whilst I would not normally want to see anybody lose their job, for MalKKKy MacKKKay I'll make an exception. Is it too much to hope for that he is gone from Scottish football for good or was the Ross County gig all part of his rehabilitation and he is now in line for other jobs?
  16. There seems to have been a lot of posters “outing” themselves or other posters on here lately and surely the ability to post anonymously is part of the allure of P&B? Mind you, even after they have been outed I still haven’t a fecking clue who they are! Historically, I think that I have guessed the identity of a couple of regular-ish posters from way back in my school days but I can’t be 100% sure and that for me is part of the fun. No more I far prefer
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