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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Looking forward to the sudden increase in Sudanese political protests on Saturdays in Glasgow. Aye but what school did he really go to?
  2. Been there for 2 hours. Only just stirring now. Lazy shite. Just as well my plants aren’t in yet.
  3. Ok how about a FiferDisney, just outside Buckhaven.
  4. On a lighter note: Live turtle found in bin https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/video-cruelty-probe-launched-after-live-turtle-dumped-in-dundee-street-bin/
  5. What’s Bough up to now? More coke and hookers?
  6. Must be. IN the middle of Dundee the other week there was a wee stand with the Open Claret Jug standing on it and folk standing there getting their photos taken alongside it. THere were two "bouncers" guarding it and quite frankly, I think even I could have battered both of them and nicked the trophy. Im guessing it was more likely: https://www.trophystore.co.uk/resin-st-andrews-claret-jug-golf-award-21cm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg4iC6eGb2wIV6rXtCh2dewD-EAQYASABEgLKG_D_BwE
  7. Are they actually made of skeletons? Creepy basturt.
  8. Unfortunately I need something concrete. . HTH.
  9. He was from the Hilltown so statistically there’s a 97% chance your right.
  10. His bird had a bairn and that was the last we heard of him. i think there’s a lesson there for us all.
  11. So what your saying is we need a Eurodisney and decent cheese?
  12. Skrtel seems very hot headed. I’d give him about 15 minutes in the opening game against Clogingston FC.
  13. I’ve know a few of the Dundee based posters and I’m by far the best looking of the lot.
  14. Bert was probably just standing there randomly giving someone the vickys. (insert Bert gif here)
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