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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Where did you get that? The inside of a wedding card?
  2. Lazy b*****ds (millenials, probably) who think that its ok not to use subscripts and superscripts when writing down units etc. m2 is not same as m² m3 is not the same as m³ Ca(OH)2 is not the same as Ca(OH)2 Fucking Arseholes.
  3. Yeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh, I suppose she does.
  4. Pics or gtf. If its not a nice pic please dont Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So up to you....
  5. 'My 3,000 calorie-a-day addiction to energy drinks rules my life' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-43469742 "I keep a stock of 2,000 cans at home and keep 48 cans at my sister's house at all times." Emma, from Selkirk in the Borders, even has a tried-and-tested plan for when she goes on holiday. "There are five of us and we go to Turkey. I take a case and I fill everyone else's cases with Irn Bru." @G_Man1985, ditch the missus and move in with this burd.
  6. A few hundred quid no doubt but he's spent at least treble that on heroin.
  7. I did go back round for another look tbh. Just to make sure that the phone was broken.
  8. Looks like a right shithole. Hope they get relegated to Yemen.
  9. Think it was a bump to the head. Did you see his bar?
  10. Interesting picture placement in today's Evening Telegraph.
  11. Pretty much like going to the swimming baths then except you can add in wifies fanny hairs and arse clackers and kids snotters and pish. Tremendous fun.
  12. Saw my first "get the date in your calendar for the Christmas Party 2018" flyer the other day.
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