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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. When folk try to make fun of folk trying to make fun of folk having a drink from Starbucks or Costa.
  2. Ah you got me there Welshy you big BBC basturt.
  3. Of course you can. Pretty sure these folk werent phoning from 35000 feet. More like <10000 as they were plummeting to the ground. I've done that before (the phoning bit, not the plummeting to the ground bit).
  4. Where does Michael Jackson fit into this crazy shook up world?
  5. Got one of these coming up in a couple of weeks. Girls.
  6. Pretty sure Cowdenbeath would have given them a game tbf.
  7. Great news. You would never see Steve Clarke doing anything as forward thinking as this.
  8. Dont think that's a real car tbf. No, wid, no, wid, might, wid, no, no.
  9. Their “a” button isn’t working on their keyboard.
  10. Have the police battering their door at 2.30am waking the whole of the close up. Chuck bags of shitty nappies down the stairwell of the common close. Go out for 3 days at a time leaving a 16 year old in charge of a baby which proceeds to crawl about the 3rd floor landing almost squeezing between the stair railings and tumbling to its death. Attempt to kick their way through the walls into your flat in a drug/alcohol fuelled rage. Leave a shit on your next door neighbours door mat.
  11. Know what you mean. You can probably get a bus up the mountains to Tasca de Petrol. Lagos is quite nice also, you can look over to it from Alvor. Old bits of Portimao are ok but you are starting to get a bit more into the "Irish bar/egg and chips" scene along there. ETA Stay off the medronho and on the Monte Velho.
  12. Alvor is good. Any number of decent seafood places near the harbour. If you can, get along to Praia du Vau (about 20-30 mins walk for a young fit person like myself, next to Portimao), pop into Pai Tomas and tell Tomas you are from Dundee. Great wee drinking place with spectacular views. Also if you can get up to Tasca de Petrol in the Monchique mountains (need a car) its well worth it for the food.
  13. As in I'd rather have a red hot poker shoved down me japs than be plunged into a boiling hot bath of Graeme Souness's pish.
  14. Brewdog is shite. I'd rather drink Tennents tbh.
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