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Melanius Mullarkey

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Everything posted by Melanius Mullarkey

  1. Id happily pump them until they shut up if that helps.
  2. When by back went tits up about 9 years ago, the days and nights a had on tramadol were tremendous and Im sure i could have cigarred my way up the Alps My GP had a cupboard load of them and would just give me a few boxes at a time, bypassing the prescription nonsense. I eventually had to get hold of some of the wife's diazepam to get me off the ceiling. What a time to be alive.
  3. I reckon I could give the Tour de France a fair crack if I had enough Tramadol tbh.
  4. Sitting in their living room with the curtains open and the big light on in the evenings. Speaking to people on the street from their (normally 1st floor) flat window. Taps aff in the high street. Shouting at the top of their voice to grab the attention of one of their acquaintances who happens to be 300m away in said high street.
  5. Pretty sure Baggio was gutted at the missed opportunity.
  6. This. Paul McStay was a decent midfielder for Celtic. Juventus in the early 1990s, though. FFs.
  7. They’re fucking shite, that’s what they are.
  8. Looks like she could do with a few loaves.
  9. Wifie standing at the empty bread shelves in Tesco earlier shouting into her phone “Nut, there nothing, absolutely nothing for yer pieces. ITS A FUCKING DISGRACE” as she walks past a load of rolls, wraps and sandwich thins.
  10. Is there anyone employed on the fucking telly (or radio fwiw) these days that can pronounce the word “February” correctly?
  11. Have we had the “not good enough for England anyway” mob on the phone yet?
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