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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Flicked through there forum, he def isn't making an impact. Comments seem to range from useless to forgot he existed.
  2. Bit harsh, yes. Too early to say, hopefully he isn't of the McDaid/McGuffie mould. Ashford has regressed a fair bit from when he joined, when he was at least a little bit effective.
  3. True Lies got added couple of days ago. Great action pic. Wish we'd gotten a sequel to that instead of endless blue folk sequels.
  4. Dunno how that would go. He doesn't seem like the type that would be happy at Dipo being the main man, could see strops galore. On the other hand it could cause him to buckle down and motivate him. Not sure Bullen would want to have to deal with the extra workload that comes with him either.
  5. If we get a point from this we're laughing. Feels a week early to think we can get things back on track. Have to be looking at the Hamilton game for that.
  6. Not sure if sarcastic or not.
  7. Netflix have really outdone themselves with The Witcher Blood Origin. Laughably bad, could tell it was total guff after the first 20 mins.
  8. Problem with YouTube compilation vids is you can make anyone look like Messi.
  9. Well f**k me then. Would love to have seen the data on that. I will stand by that he is nothing but a massive dud, I'm more confident on that than I am regarding anything about any other Ayr player.
  10. Someone on here ITK mentioned after he had been here a few weeks that the general consensus from the club was he was better off the ball than he was on it. That's a massive red flag looking back at it.
  11. But this one seems to have bypassed the recruitment process, which I'm sure Mathie has worked to put in place so this type of thing doesn't happen. Not even really a matter of getting it wrong because that can obviously happen at any club, but this one was a massive failure, even just in terms of his basic footballing ability. I can't imagine if Mathie or that had actually watched a few games of his prior to his signing then they would have signed off on it.
  12. So we only wasted a little money instead of a lot? Plus he'll need paying off so that'll add up.
  13. Looking back most folk seem to have put us at 9th,including our own. That pre season was obviously a massive false flag operation by the club.
  14. I have watched Home Alone 1 and 2 at least six times each this month so far, courtesy of my niece and nephew. Didn't have particularly strong feelings about the films either way but have suddenly grown a deeply rooted hatred of them. Come back Blippi and Bluey, all is forgiven.
  15. Sure McCall used the exact same "square pegs round holes..." line at one point around Xmas time. Pretty ominous, this could just be the start of a slippy period for the team. Doesn't help that none of the other teams seem to be letting up any.
  16. I wonder how bad Gondoh must have been if Bangala could manage more game time than him. If we have to pay him off at the end of the season like we did with Gondoh that's just seems crazy
  17. Obviously not. Slow Joe I'm referring to, obviously forgotten his surname.
  18. Yeah he's not a Chalmers/Harkins sort. He's a different type of shite.
  19. We need to up our ratio of at least half decent signings, club our size can't afford to be signing as many duds as we do
  20. I'm surprised how the club could look at someone that out of shape and carrying that much extra timber and go yeah we'll sign him. Must have been desperate at the time. Wonder what other goodies the club will have for us this January. Nothing like a a disastrous result/performance to cause a panic buy.
  21. we must have been watching different games because everything he did put us under pressure.
  22. Bullen can pay him off himself since I'm sure he signed him on the recommendation of someone and bypassed the in place recruitment process. Banged on about him a lot tonight but I've never seen a player get so many instructions on the pitch from his teammates, and considering his sole contribution seems to be short passes along the back line, I've never seen someone put his teammates under so much pressure with a simple five yard pass.
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