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Everything posted by UpInTheAyr

  1. Nearly conceded with a free header straight after the goal
  2. Hopefully JML gets on the ball more tonight and cause problems.
  3. Jesus, Zanatta hasn't conned his way into Hamilton now has he. Missed that completely.
  4. We're going to be thinking that every game as long as we're floating about the top four. I do wonder if this is going to be a bit of a shit festing season like the type we had with McCall, where no matter how bad we played or how many points we dropped we always seemed to hang onto a playoff place due to others misfortunes.
  5. The competition is that first place, I think, gets flavour in there food, and second place gets something similar. Last place gets fried, not fatally, so that's the incentive to not finish last. They actually mentioned it's more cost effective to use humans than droids. Def building parts for the death star. If they keep all the manufacturing separate from each and quiet no one can figure out what they're up to
  6. That final line from Serkis at the end of the last episode "Never more than 12" was the tits. So glad there's a second season this is really great viewing.
  7. Someone from level 4 was released but ended up back in level 2 a few days later. He had knowledge of what was going on in the outside and told everyone in 2. The Empire obviously didn't like that so fried everyone.
  8. Feel kinda bad complaining about anything else but the quality is shit, looks like it was filmed on a potato phone. Straining my eyes trying to follow it.
  9. I'm surprised McCall isn't just playing the injured players. Plus Muirhead got sent off today as well.
  10. I don't think any team is a stick on for the playoffs at the moment with seven teams in the mix. Hopefully not but we could possibly be in for a bit of an injury spell now so that could quite easily change things for us.
  11. Dunno why that was disallowed. We've had chances to win this though.
  12. Tight game pretty evenly matched, thought Morton just shaded the first half. Can see someone getting another goal though, probably due to defensive error. Dipo has got on the ball quite a lot so far.
  13. Fat guy just invades the pitch in his boxers. For what reason who knows. Maybe some kind of dirty protest
  14. Hope this is am entertaining game tomorrow, don't want any of this no score draw nonsense.
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