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Frank conner

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Everything posted by Frank conner

  1. The last thing you need is more unemployment in methil.
  2. Any word on why Duggan wasn't even on the bench after coming on on wed?
  3. The livi pitch is the same as ours but they seem to have gone overboard with the black pellets. It did look awful.
  4. We could always spend money we don't have! Anyway you could argue all day about where teams should be or expect to be it doesn't always work out that way.
  5. Considering Dundee Utd took over 400 fans that's not great from QOS.
  6. Some of our defending was poor today I'm sure once we get davo back it will be a bit more solid.
  7. We did but only a few times it's been going on for a while that players have been ignoring Smiths instructions. We won but it was far from being a great performance.
  8. Every time Smith wants it played on the deck they ignore him.
  9. The new sprinkler system has been installed and it works I don't know why they didn't use it for training . It's a different system that better suits a plastic pitch . That's just what I've been told it's nothing to do with pressure then again superhans thinks a new generator will magically make our broken floodlights work.
  10. It can be used before game the only problem they had was when they tried it the spray was blowing into the stands.
  11. The pitch has a new sprinkler system it's more of a fine spray but they are concerned about using it at half time as the spray could blow into the stands.
  12. At this moment in time I don't think many folk give a shit about the pitch it's more about the players we can actually put on it that matters. In any case I'm sure you just can't wait for the ribbon cutting ceremony.
  13. We are going to get injuries and suspensions throughout the season this type of situation will crop up again this season that's for sure. To run a squad as small as ours is a massive mistake and will probably backfire big time.
  14. Does that money not come from hamburg? It goes to rangers first then they give us what we are due I'm led to believe.
  15. The contractor is supposed to be taking care of the pitch for the first 6 months.
  16. The pitch certainly looks smaller that's what seems to be the problem.
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