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Grangemouth Bairn

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Grangemouth Bairn last won the day on May 13 2023

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  1. I got the A- Team reference - it must be an age thing . Anyone 30 or under will likely miss it.
  2. How many tickets do we think we’ll sell for East End Park ?
  3. Easy to blame Beale but the fans were desperate to get him in and your board appointed him Manager and DoF when he had zero experience of either. You had a guy who was respected and liked across the whole football world in Van Bronckhurst who was reputedly trying to get you guys like Simons, Veerman and Tillman in the door all 3 of who’s value has now went off the scale. As soon as Beale appeared in one of your pubs and at Ibrox basically stabbing Van Bronckhurst in the back your fans could not wait to get him out the door and Beale in. You reap what you sow.
  4. I mean, I don’t think he’s creating a happy environment which is probably not helped by the fact he always looks so down in the dumps himself. The games in the league and the CL qualifiers will tell you how well his big rebuild has went Tbf not friendlies.
  5. It almost as if by announcing to the media that the whole squad is for sale except for Butland has had a negative impact on squad morale. I can’t think why ??
  6. What a very disrespectful post. As I’ve mentioned previously, I work with one of our players mum’s and I can absolutely tell you that Ross MacIver is 150% adored by his team mates because of what he brings to the team. He is one of the most committed players in the squad, and that’s high praise indeed in this current squad and would run through a brick wall for his team mates, the coaching staff, John McGlynn and the fans. I don’t mind fans having opinions and of course they should differ but what you have typed is pure and utter pish and should be shoved where the sun don’t shine.
  7. Was speaking to a guy who was there yesterday and he reckons Jefte might give Dessers a run for his money he’s that bad. He thinks of all the signings that Clement has made only Barron might have a positive impact.
  8. We’ve got to trust the manager on board on this. Already this season we’ve got 3 defenders out injured and Morrison has had a knock. We’ll inevitably pick up more up injuries and suspensions throughout the season so 20 isn’t enough. McGlynn will know this better than me so I think we can expect 2 maybe 3 loans to come in late in the window.
  9. It’s Falkirk daft - it’s unlikely it’ll be a piss take. Expect there is something in it. Got me excited tbh.
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