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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Like a wee browse through the lower league threads, some good stories. Oh and great avatar mate [emoji106][emoji106]
  2. Decided to jack FB as it's getting worse, especially with all the new year resolutions pish. Sitting have a pint, and the wife is trying to show me every fucking quote/picture thing that appears on her page.
  3. A friend of ours has started eating quorn products, so he can "reduce the carbon footprint". He smokes up to 25 cigarettes a day.
  4. Hold on a minute. The same wighton that scored the goal that relegated United??
  5. The Brendan Rodgers stuff was brutal, the sportscene stuff was cringeworthy. The Jim Kerr bit raised a slight chuckle, but otherwise it was shite. Time it was binned. Watson is clearly running out of ideas and is scraping the Barrel.
  6. I'm exactly the same. One that makes my blood boil is people eating boiled sweets. It's the crunching that gets me. Or someone eating and apple, or any crunchy fruit for that matter.
  7. Bad manners were fucking excellent tonight. Buster was on top form.
  8. Jimmy saville, rolf Harris, and Stuart hall walk into a pub. The barman says "f**k sake, not yewtree again"
  9. I had a similar escape a week ago. Had 5 pints and 2 nips on Friday, last nip was 11pm, had an accident with the car at 10.20. ran into the back of a taxi. the police passed by just after it happened, it wasn't traffic police, and they just made sure nobody was injured and both parties had exchanged insurance details and they went away.
  10. Meanwhile, a young Fred West ponders the future... Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk
  11. Was the goat fed?? Did it score?? Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk
  12. That is actually a good idea GD. We scaled down the presents a bit this year, as we are going to a few gigs this year, for instance my mum got us tickets to a gig next year instead of smellies, sweets and clothes. Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk
  13. Just had a wee read of that thread. Good grief.
  14. Same here, gammon joint cooking away in the oven nicely!
  15. Was bored so had a wee experiment - shot of baileys topped with crushed Maltesers and toasted marshmallow syrup. Lovely.
  16. Any leftovers at all are great on boxing Day. Especially pigs in blankets. I always cook a few extra on purpose.
  17. Wife got me this from Lidl. £17.49 for 70cl, was a bit apprehensive, but it's very nice.
  18. Fred Perry trainers, lambretta polo shirt and t shirt, whiskey, cider, real ale, shower stuff, chocolate, tennents brewery tour for next year, Pringle socks, dvd.
  19. Just me and the wife mate, was planned as soon as we knew the club was open today [emoji16]
  20. Mmmm. Would love to see tade back, but how old is he now. Armstrong has youth on his side....
  21. Well played sir. You had that planned you utter rogue.
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