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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I have a foreman that I cannot tolerate, ex forces, has his own wee daft routines. He is also a c**t when it comes to holidays and covering saturdays for me. He is salaried, and doesnt get paid for them, even though his contract states he must do them if required. He also does race marshalling (voluntary) at either knockhill or east fortune every weekend, for which he marks on the yearly planner the minute its put on the wall. He's got a fair few bob in the bank as well from his navy pension, and a brand new audi TT, he pretty much doesn't need to be working full time.
  2. A friend had this pic on his FB page. If only rovers fans knew how much fear those two men would install in our ranks...
  3. Saw that on Twitter. Well done mate. We did a 4 mile walk today And I’m sore as f**k, can’t imagine how your legs must be!
  4. A few tins enjoyed last night, still got 8 in the fridge still.
  5. I thought they split up in 2007 after the lead singer decided to pursue a solo career??
  6. Manager on holiday for a week, asked us all who's in charge when he goes (assistant manager obviously). My reply of course
  7. After a b*****d of a monday at work, this was much needed.
  8. Anxiety is a worry for me. very bad just now. I can spend all day worrying about the most trivial thing. Its causing me a lack of sleep as well, which makes me irritable at work, which isn't great, as I have to deal with the public every day.
  9. Discussing a mutual love of tennents with the barman in the local club last night, he hands me this on the way out. Some boi.
  10. Mcglynn?? Not a chance. He's got a cushy scouting job with celtic.
  11. Could we introduce an "amber dot" perhaps?? So's that people who are unsure whether to use a greenie or a reddy could have the best of both worlds?? [emoji16][emoji16]
  12. Why's there a football in my garden?? Neil, wallyford, east lothian.
  13. Start your dotting campaign son, I aint posting no photo.
  14. He must have walked 500 miles to meet her. Hope his brother helped him.
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