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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Property firm In Edinburgh selling a flat with this “stunning view” from the balcony [emoji16]
  2. Its not smudger and McGlynn. Its hughes and locke wearing masks. Had you all fooled.
  3. Nope. The mussy shop closed a couple of months ago.
  4. Visits from the black dog aplenty. Work is really getting to me, but I’m well paid, and I know if i leave I’ll be taking a decent drop in wages. I do ask myself, what’s more important, my health or my wealth?? My health isn’t the greatest, constant fatigue, and my moods are low, and I’m frightened that I’m going to snap at a customer soon. I’m going to the doctor tomorrow, as I have been getting a dull ache In my left testicle for a few weeks. I’ve rather stupidly been dismissing it is a strain, but I’m absolutely shitting myself that it’s worse than that. Leaving the house is becoming a chore. I just feel like shutting myself off from everyone and everything.
  5. Div is the Kim jong Un of the internet. One button pressed and we’re all fucked.
  6. Last of my “alphabet bottles” while the tins chill in the fridge. Cheers!!
  7. Folk that don’t realise that not EVERY single road in Edinburgh is 20mph.
  8. I took a sneezing fit and ran into the back of a lexus a couple of years ago. Happened in the November, poor guy didn't get it back until the end of December. Fibreglass body. My motor was a write off.
  9. My work has been bought over by a new company, and have decided they want us to do 4 stock takes a year, instead of just one in September. To add insult to injury, the last one is on the friday we finish up for Christmas.
  10. Possible scenario - another club as asked permission to talk to smith , board has said no, so smith has just decided “f**k it, I’ll just quit then”.
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