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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Do you ever get pain in your toes and underneath your foot, more so if you are on your feet a lot at work?? My right ankle is weak after spraining it numerous times over the years, and Lately I've experienced the pain very often.
  2. Ive met SJC - he is now moving to china. Ive met weirdcal - now he is moving to ireland. f**k sake, who is next???
  3. He's put the beef on eh?? More like frankie boyle in the bag.
  4. Ach, chin(s) up. I've had a good day, I'm a wind-up mood.
  5. Remember I'm married mate. I'm always the one that goes to the bar these days.
  6. £4500 ppi incoming. Hiya travel agent, hiya pal!!
  7. The wife went to see the Rocky horror show at the playhouse last night. Have a guess which DVD she is now watching. And she's reading the programme as well. Pie kicking beckons.
  8. Not sure sarge, all i know is he didn't turn up today and that he's not coming back.
  9. Good choice. In fact, any of the Cairngorm Brewery stuff is worth a shout.
  10. I know what you mean. There's always a fear of phoning in, even when you are genuinely ill. I had To phone in on a Saturday sick a couple of months ago for the first time (been there nearly 4 years) and my boss had to come in and do my shift. I thought I'd get a bollocking when I went back on the Tuesday but he was fine, the assistant gaffer had the same virus and had stuck up for me.
  11. Hardly. The boss has a right to know if his staff aren't going to turn up.
  12. We had pasta with prosecution ham the other night, according to the missus.
  13. We have a new guy at work, been there about two months. He hadn't showed up at his usual time of 8am, I went to check my phone and had received a message from him on Facebook messenger, asking if i could tell the boss that he wouldn't be in for "personal reasons" and that he couldn't phone in cos his phone was broken. I replied that he needs to phone in somehow, but It took him 3 hours to reply. Everybody including the boss knows that he was up in Inverness for the weekend and was on holiday yesterday. He's got a lot of explaining to do, as it's a bit suss that he couldn't find another way of phoning in. Surely he could Have used someone else's, it went to a phonebox if need be.
  14. Not bought a pair of Pumas for years, so I bought these today.
  15. Anyone else been watching lucky man?? Enjoyed every episode, new series to follow next year.
  16. Eastenders must be the worst show for head injuries and deaths. Bradley - smashed his skull when fell off the roof Archie - whacked over the napper in the queen vic Heather - banged her Heid as she fell Dirty den - same as Archie Max's copper bird (Emma) - bleed on the brain after getting hit by a car And now the carters wee bairn cracking his head when his chair got knocked over.
  17. Ive not read this thread for a couple of days, and I come on to find c***s slagging me. Bitches, the whole fucking lot of you.
  18. After 2 months growing my beard, I Decided to shave it off tonight. I now look about 30 instead of 38.
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