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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I have / Had spoons like that throbs, you been in my house choring stuff ya c**t??
  2. With you on that one. Disgusting things that they are.
  3. Zen's a good c**t, he'd be the perfect neighbour. Although after a few shandys, I reckon he'd be like an unfunny uncle telling bad jokes.
  4. Could you not get transfered to somewhere better mate?? We were in a top floor flat for 3 years (12 altogether for the wife) and now we are in an end terrace house, wouldnt swap it for the world. Surely the housing folk would understand, especially with you having a young family, and lyn-marie working shifts??
  5. Ive not bought them yet. Ive got 2 weeks worth for nowt to see how I get on.
  6. Shut up. Im only trying to help people, you plum. Ive had five since yesterday, and they have relieved things greatly.
  7. Buy some bee pollen tablets folks. Seriously. They act as a barrier.
  8. Bump. How have fellow hay fever sufferers been of late?? I've been hellish, but I've got some "bee pollen" tablets to try. They are about 12 quid a bottle, but if they work, then I'm not giving a toss about the price. Anyone else tried them??
  9. Head office implementing a weekly stocktake of varying items at work. Right when we are in the middle of a very busy spell.
  10. That's a bloody good age WB. Cherish the happy times mate, and look back on all the good memories.
  11. Hectors? You'll be skint, drinking in Stockbridge. We've got 18 people coming over for a bbq today, should be good as long as the weather holds out.
  12. Get yourselves of these, best thing I've bought in a while.
  13. f**k knows, used a brush, but had to do a bit of fingering to get right in the gaps.
  14. Put slabs down In the garden today, put some of the cement in between with my bare hands, now I have 3 blistered and bleeding fingers. What a fucking idiot.
  15. The local social club. Go out with a tenner, have 4 pints and still come home with change.
  16. Lenzie is more or less a part of kirkintilloch isnt it?? I'd happily stay in the clink, kirky is a shitehole.
  17. You came up on my "people you might know" thingy, had a look to see who you were.
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