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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Dot talking about a sticky finger [emoji31][emoji31]
  2. They do ask. But two of the 3 staff in the office are the bosses.
  3. I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but we don't have a cleaner at the moment. Our office staff are just lazy in general. They've also got a habit of chucking empty boxes outside the office door rather than walk 100 yards to the skip.
  4. I dunno if it's something do with hormones or summat, but kyles "moustache" is rather annoying.
  5. Ok, but surely office staff asking someone else to empty their bins while they sit on their arses is bit wrong surely??
  6. Just had a wee skim through the last couple of pages. Dear lord.
  7. That is pretty bizarre. There are times when you've been a c**t to me, but I'd never harbour any hatred.
  8. Can any of the other mods do us a favour - make sure nizzy gets nowhere near a gun please.
  9. Office staff at work asking the yard/warehouse staff to empty their bins. f**k off, you cliquey, lazy c***s. It's your mess.
  10. Roses are red Violets are blue Im probably getting binned It was nice knowing you.
  11. There once was a mod called nizzy Who's head went rather fizzy If you called him a b**st Or a paedo at least The ban hammer would be rather busy.
  12. The English are taking this very well eh? At least we just get the f**k on with it, trains or no trains.
  13. When it comes to Parking, I'm the champion Curtain twitcher.
  14. It would Be for her, she's a teacher, and the schools are on holiday.
  15. Those are letters. Still, at least I don't wear pyjamas in my team's colours to my bed.
  16. I'll get out no probs, but that's just bad fucking parking. DDcups, I'll council estate you ya c**t, it's the top of my street, there's only row of houses like those ones on the left.
  17. Don't diss my Motor, fucko. Japanese reliability right there.
  18. The arsehole neighbours that can't park are out in force again. One taking up two spaces, and another one parked about a foot away from the kerb. If I can't get out of there (which I should be able to), she'll be getting a chap at the door at 6.45 A.M.
  19. Got a trapped nerve in my shoulder. Thank f**k its not my wanking arm though.
  20. Thank f**k we made the right choice going yesterday. Even if I'm a tad rough, I overdid it with the free booze samples from the leffe truck.
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