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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Had them since Wednesday sarge, glad to be back to normal as well.
  2. I used to be in that mindset as well, but at the end of the day the delivery folk are only doing their jobs, if they have a route planned out, they can't help what time they arrive at Places.
  3. What a complete and utterly bizzare thing to suggest.
  4. That was a copy of a twitter message from miley.
  5. [emoji1] Got an email saying I'm banned indefinitely for trying to arrange the harassing of others because I suggested folk should get red dotted! Dots = harassment? Only on P&B! [emoji1] Funny thing is, others were PMing each other and actively harassing folk with actual posts and insults but I get banned for suggesting just dots! [emoji23]
  6. FFS welshy, watch out, they'll be after yer dug.
  7. Its a sad state of affairs that a poster who has done nothing wrong has had to be banned.
  8. Anyone just joining the site and reading all this must be wondering what the f**k they've wandered into.
  9. Gerry adams in the diggers pub in edinburgh tonight.
  10. Well, quite a few people get caught in traffic going home from work, me included, so why should he be any different?? Our foreman lives in rosyth, but he doesnt complain about his commute, which can be a lot worse than driving to penicuik.
  11. We've got a driver who had his hours changed from 7.30 - 5pm to 7.00am till 4.30pm. His reason?? He stays in penicuik (we are in leith) and says if he leaves at 5 he will get stuck in traffic. Boo fucking m hoo, you chose to take a job down here.
  12. My sense of humour can be pretty sick. A bit inappropriate at times though,.
  13. I'm fine, so was the other guy. It was a lexus, was just waiting on Alan partridge getting out.
  14. Guy in front of me braked suddenly, coming out of a bad junction as he didn't see a guy whizzing down the main road on a motorbike. Caught me by surprise as I had already started moving off, thinking he was going out onto the road. Poor judgement on my behalf, I've admitted full responsibility for it.
  15. Crashed the car on the way to work this morning. 8 years no claims fucked.
  16. Wouldn't normally bother, but had to pick up a prescription from the pharmacy in there.
  17. The ignorance shown towards people on crutches, especially in supermarkets. The wife is recovering from a knee op, and we went to Asda yesterday, and amount of idiots blocking our pathway in aisles was unreal. They'd see her hobbling along but wouldn't move till asked, or would tut or grumble when asked to move. The car park was just as bad, impatient folk nearly knocking her down because they are in so much of a fucking hurry to go shopping.
  18. I've just had a nice slice of homemade tablet (bought from a wee stall in Cameron toll) washed down with a nice glass of glen moray whisky.
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