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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Shandy, I'll see those shoes and raise you these.
  2. Maybe looking for some bovine intervention??
  3. Something to with the tipsy cow bar on the High street, I think. Eta - was this the coo??
  4. Woah there! Did you ask my permission to enter east lothian?? The fine county has a strict dress code, which includes a ban on loafers.
  5. Why didnt you just tell her to do one because you were on your lunch??
  6. Yaasss!! He's Fucking gone!! Or has he.....
  7. I hope Your phone Was still there when you got back, dee man. Might have been some Eastern Europeans Hanging around your locker. Change your PIN number ASAP.
  8. Jesus wept. http://www.eastlothiancourier.com/news/15077850.__53_marshmallow_bill_proves_difficult_to_swallow/
  10. She said nothing too strenuous, but I was just putting the feelers out on here, I dunno, maybe other posters have been in the same situation??
  11. True. Always do quite a bit on the bikes at the gym. Did 45 minutes on the treadmill yesterday (3.5 miles) and was almost crippled aftewards. That's when I realised something wasn't right with the foot.
  12. I've walked just over nine miles in the last three days, but I've had bother with my right foot, went to the docs to be told that the arch has fallen and the ankle is out of line and the foot is pointing in the way. Any tips on what I can do exercise wise without risking any further damage??
  13. I actually don't have a toenail on that big toe. My right foot Is the same. Had ingrowing toenails on both occasions.
  14. Good choice. What was the name of the guy that was the human beatbox again??
  15. They were clean on today, cheeky bugger. You, however, eat cold toast, you can't slag anyone [emoji14]
  16. I never go near the fuckers, Bert. She's got shitloads of those daft Yankee candles
  17. No you nutter, thats the light from the wife's candles on the fireplace.
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