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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Parents came over for lunch today, I'm sitting watching soccer Saturday, my auld Man walks in and asks me to put radio 2 on!
  2. Not bad for some! I've got a 70cl bottle of whisky from Aldi in the cupboard, not all of us can be like you eh? Lol
  3. Kind of borrowed the wife's kindle for a few days to see if its worth me getting one for myself, I've downloaded some football stuff and some other books about Edinburgh history so far. Anyone recommend any good books about Scottish football?
  4. You get freebies eh ya jammy shite?? Hiya kenny, Hiya pal!
  5. Don't worry about it, for ages I though we had a poster called "keithyg
  6. People that don't indicate when driving. The wife nearly got knocked over in the asda car park because of some daft cow today. The wife went mad at her, rightly so, then continued on into the store, the daft cow then stormed up to my wife and started shouting in her face and the wife said calmly to her "if you don't get out of my face you fat cow I'l fuckin deck you"
  7. Make yerself sick when you get there. Throw up over the turkey. If they are old they will probably think they've shat themselves. Again.
  8. I will be seeing her in the flesh in march.
  9. Not sure about shops in fife, but a few shops in Edinburgh have it.
  10. Good choice sir. Love the stuff, very pleasant aftertaste. I was hooked on it after trying it in scarborough. There's a pub Down there that is owned by the brewery, all the products are from Samuel smiths, even the crisps.
  11. Hallmarks of a beast IMO. Those sweets will be placed in a luring trail.
  12. I posted the rangers lightbulb joke that's doing the rounds, and got told to "shut my fuckin rip" and that "you c***s are aw obsessed wi us, ken why, WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!" By a rainjurs fan. My response was simple - "naw, you WERE the people".
  13. The pitfalls of drinking real ale. I've been farting on the hour, every hour.
  14. Christ mate, sorry to hear that. My wife has been off work for over 6 months with stress and anxiety, it's been a nightmare to live with but we've got through it. She eventually had to go on beta blockers.
  15. Dows reserve port. For the first time I hasten to add, and rather nice it is.
  16. I was at the fife vs Belfast game last night, fife won 4-1. They were outstanding and dominated Belfast in front of a good crowd. Belfast lost Craig peacock to a sore one though, took a skate to the face. Ouch! https://mobile.twitter.com/peaks71/status/277554141327400960/photo/1
  17. This was tweeted by a friend last night. The lad plays for the Belfast giants ice hockey team and took a skate to the face. https://mobile.twitter.com/peaks71/status/277554141327400960/photo/1
  18. The worst thing of it all for me was my dad trying to commit suicide 8 years ago. My mum managed to get our next neighbour to stop him, thank god he did. I just froze. I wanted to kick the shit of him for even thinking about it, but lets face it, what would that have achieved??
  19. My dad suffers from it, and while its easy for me to say I don't have to put it with it because I don't live with him anymore, it's not that simple. I speak to him (and my mum) at least twice a week. I was really worried about him when my mum had cancer, but I sat him down and spoke to him and explained that If he went off the rails it wouldn't help matters and we all had to be strong.
  20. Ahh, but who Says I went to the shops to spend it???
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