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Everything posted by philpy

  1. emo shite. im listening to "the masterplan" by oasis at the mo.
  2. Could be bad indegestion or trapped wind, saints. Or have you been doing any heavy lifting or strenous exercise lately?
  3. Back to the subject of things that piss you off, i would like to add war to the list. My mate is out in afghanistan, and he is stuck out there for 6 months, with no compassionate leave. How shit is that? he went through his training with the guy who was killed last week, and he is in bits about it. Bring our boys home mr blair, too many of our boy's familys have suffered enough.
  4. I beg to differ keith. Tunes such as "a kind of magic" , "i want it all", and "breakthrough" are quite good imo.
  5. He has a point though, LC, all these "gurus" are nothing but a pain in the arse
  6. You should take a trip along to murrayfield to watch the edinburgh capitals chris, you'l enjoy it, i went to my first hockey game when i was 12 and ive been hooked ever since, its always a good night out, plus you get the occasional fight B)
  7. Easy like sunday morning - faith no more
  8. Maximo park at the carling academy a week on friday, should be good B)
  9. nah il leave it to the guy next door to sort them out, he has a young son and they cant get him to sleep cos the p***ks always have their music up loud sometimes. I hope the fannies get an ASBO served on them, seemingly they have been kicked out of 2 other towns already
  10. Och, their all away to bed now! suppose i could go and slash the wee c**t's dads car tyres or something, he's a p***k too
  11. F'kin little brats across the road, throwing stones and shouting abuse at 79-year old man who only just had a triple heart bypass. Poor old guy cant really do much about it either, makes me sick
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