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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I received my final payment job seeker's allowance on monday, then when i got home today i had another letter from the dole informing me that i would also be getting a tax refund of £122. "Whats wrong with that?" you may ask, but there was a . between the 1 and 22 what was the point in paying me such a small amount?
  2. I see div is loitering on this thread, hopefully he'l ban the sick c**t.
  3. If the grapes are sour , eat something else, maybe humble pie
  4. Now, there's a wee button on your remote that says "off", press it.
  5. She reads your text messages? fuxake, does she open yer mail as well andy?
  6. giggity giggity!

  7. Didn't get the job i went for at sky not t'end of the world, i'l find something soon (i hope)
  8. Phoned yesterday about a job. Chap took my name and number and said he would call me back to arrange an interview next week. Logged onto the jobcentre website this morning, the vacancy had been removed. I phoned the company up to ask what had happened, they filled the vacancy yesterday afternoon. Nice of them to let me know eh?
  9. Ive checked it about 4 times the day ya cheeky bassa, and i've been up at a jobsfair at glenrothes, so you cant accuse me of not trying!
  10. Im all for it, in fact lets get a wrestling ring built and make it a tag-team affair! mind you, the thought of seeing you in a leotard is ever so slightly off-putting
  11. Monster, get along to the five's' this year and sort the c**t oot! mind you it would be like david and goliath (literally)
  12. Leave him alone you , ya big, fat ba................. i'l stop there i think
  13. I think so , mind it you it is the links so your always guaranteed a ride down there......
  14. Thats not far from the truth the "market fowk" always frequent the local nitespots, thats where most of the trouble stems from. Last year a midget asked my mate's girl for a dance and she refused, so he booted her in the shin i think his name was dave.....
  15. f**k, thats just minded me. "The ned's paradise" aka the kirkcaldy links market rolls into town next week.
  16. Fuxake dave, i nearly spat my coffee over my monitor there
  17. Everyone was sent home early from work today for the 4th time in 7 days because we are very quiet, not a good omen methinks
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