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Everything posted by philpy

  1. If you stop being a tit then people wont insult you, catch my drift?
  2. Monster's ok. What have you got going for yourself dumbo?
  3. I have hayfever and the cold oh and adam, maybe you'l die from your bad aids? remember, what goes around comes around!
  4. Editors - smokers outside the hospital door. This song has been growing on me ever since i saw them live from glastonbury on saturday
  5. Bad aids maybe? Edited to add - i have received a 10% warning increase from debbie, stating that "the slug was shit"
  6. I have had a "drouth" all day, resulting from yesterday's boozefest, and no amount of irn bru, water or beer will shift it.
  7. Errm, i believe i used the correct term there LM, they are, after all, "ethnic minorities" if i had used the "p" word then that would have been classed as racism.
  8. Dont talk to me about those bloody things. I bought 3 packets from the ethnics' yesterday, and they had went out of date on the 1st!!
  9. Another weather nag from me. Feckin thunder and lightning here
  10. Just had a phone call, my mate's son was found dead today not good at all, considering my mate lost his mum a couple of months ago.
  11. My nag for today - the weather. I've been working outside most of the day, and got soaked a few times. Then the sun decides to come out at 5 o' clock , when i finish
  12. The manager and assistant manager from work are heading to the uefa cup final tonight where they will be getting full hospitality, the c**ts
  13. Phone the supplier and put them in contact with the customer, or even threaten to stop using the supplier unless they reimburse you or the customer in some shape or form. I had a few problems with suppliers in one of my last jobs, blackmailing sometimes works with them.
  14. True. In my last job i didnt get taxed at all until i had reached a certain amount of earnings for the last 12 months.
  15. Good work sherlock , i was just surprised at receiving such a small amount.
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