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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Turned £10 into £170 on wildfire tonight. stuck a tenner in, was down to £2 then got a full house of apples which gave me £70, then i got another tenner. I was about to walk out when i thought "ah f**k it, i'l stick another tenner in a different machine", i won another £100. Happy days!
  2. Well auld yin, you ARE getting to that age where certain movements may be uncontrollable
  3. I think the last time i walked up falkland hill was when i was in the scouts The pentlands seem a decent shout for a starter, i am over that side of the water very often so i may look into it. I've always wanted to go up arthur's seat on a clear day, more for the views and photo opportunties more than anything. I did venture up calton hill one morning but the views seemed less intruiging as to what they may be from arthur's seat.
  4. Some very nice photos there gaz. Hillwalking is something that i have thought about taking up, but i wouldnt want to scale the heights (no pun intended) like yourself until i get a wee bit fitter. Any recommendations on possible starters or the like?
  5. Im not saying you were taking him for granted, it was merely an observation.
  6. Don't take your parents for granted. That's one thing i've learned.
  7. £2.50 treble on washington, florida, and buffalo in the NHL returned £26.91. That's £136 i've won from the hockey this week, might stick to that rather than the footy!
  8. £4 acca on 4 NHL teams returned £109.38, and a £1.50 4 team acca on argentinian league games returned £9.50 . Right up ye ladbrokes!!!!
  9. I got £9 from mk dongs to beat chestefield 2-1 from a £1 bet.
  10. £11.25 from new zealand winning the cricket, £13.75 from cardiff beating boro, and £65 from wildfire. All in all, not a bad weekend.
  11. Can you pass me a tissue to wipe off the beer i just spat over my screen? cheers.
  12. Keep your pecker up mate (fnarr), you'l get there in the end. As they say, things are sent to try you. Be as positive as you can be, be strong for each other.
  13. At least your team won today chief, they didnt get raped by a bunch of fermers like our sorry mob
  14. The N.H.S. My mum was due to go in for an operation on wednesday, but it has now been put back another week, but they do not know if there will be a spare bed. Twats
  15. My mum's been diagnosed with breast cancer. It's just not fuckin fair at all, she lost my gran and my auntie in the space of 2 years and now this?
  16. It took me three attempts to pass both my theory and my practical. When i did eventually pass my practical i only got 2 minors. Which was nice.
  17. I bet the wee nyaffs even go to the sons' games wearing celtic tops.
  18. Shrewsbury for 18 notes on a five team acca.
  19. Useless scouse c**ts, beat by f'kin west ham
  20. Tell him if he doesnt behave you'l take him to a killie game.
  21. The weather. It's looking doubtfull for the footy tommorow.
  22. £3 treble on motherwell, swansea and cambridge returned £10.50. Fook me, i cant even remember the last time i posted on this thread
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