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Everything posted by philpy

  1. M.K dongs and WBA for £187.
  2. Jesus, that is pretty shocking hazel. I hope you are going to put an official complaint to them about it.
  3. Portsmouth. Had i remembered that their best players were on african nations duty, i wouldnt have bothered putting them on.
  4. No offence taken chief, my comment was only in jest as well
  5. Not the plan at all old bean. Anne has jacked her job in (it's a long story, i'l text you or p.m you), she will be struggling to afford the flat on her own, and she doesnt want to uproot me as i've only been in my job around 7 months. She has a few possible jobs lined up, and once she gets a bit of financial clout, she will be moving to fife. We will probably go with the council until we can afford a private let.
  6. My fiancee's flatmate has left her in the shit. He informed her last week that he was moving into a place of his own, and that he was giving her 2 weeks notice. She informed him that as he was'nt giving her the required month's notice, he would'nt be getting his deposit back. He said that was ok, as he has well-paid job and would'nt really worry about it. She got back to the flat tonight to discover that he'd moved out at the weekend while me and her were away up north. I am infuriated by the p***k, as he told her he'd be there for the 2 weeks notice, thus ensuring she would have some more money to tide her over.
  7. You appear not to be getting my point though old bean. We do speak to her if she's out in the garden, but she just ignores us. If she would at least apologise for a start then ok, fine, but she seems to have no intention of doing so.
  8. £5 treble on raith, east fife , and hamilton returned £22.50 at coral. Not a great profit, but it was my first win a coupon for nearly the best part of a year
  9. My dad's a joiner, he could fix it no probs, but, she's had enough chances. She even had the cheek to say to another neighbour "if i knew the people around here were such pains, i wouldnt have moved in" 2 faced cow.
  10. The noisy bitch next door. Her and her 2 brats seem hell bent on getting up a 6.30 every morning and shouting at each other. My old man had a word with her a few months ago but she's still the same. If any of us are in the back garden she wont even speak to us. She also has a problem with the back door and she seems to need to slam it about 8 times before it shuts properly.
  11. As per usual, the weather will probably decimate most of the footy fixtures over the next couple of weeks.
  12. Notts county done me for £95
  13. my heartfelt condolences go out to you at this very difficult time
  14. It's nearly xmas. "what's so bad about that?" you may ask. I'l tell you what's so bad. It's going into shops where they have musical santas and reindeer that people keeping pressing and pressing and they think its hilarious that some tacky gift that costs about £30 plays a burst of jingle bells. It's having to visit annoying relatives that you only ever hear from about once a year. It's the grown men that go to football games wearing santa suits. It's going xmas shopping and getting stuck behind parents who insist on buying nearly every toy on the shelf and then ask the shop assistant 20 questions. It's the ancient films which seem to be shown over and over every year. Bah humbag. Yours sincerely, A scrooge.
  15. Fuxake. I get the feeling that they just want to give flats to junkies and alkies these days. In fact, i might stick a needle in my arm just so i can get a council flat.
  16. East lothian council are arseholes. My fiancee's mum passed away last sunday, and the family wanted to give it a couple of weeks before they emptied her flat, but they were told they would have to pay 2 weeks full rent, starting from the sunday she passed away. Most other regions give you 2 weeks grace, but not these money-grabbing fuckwits
  17. Yep. I think it's wrong, what with her being a pillar of the community and all that. We're trying our best otherwise though, we all sat and had a wee drink last night and anne's sister regailed some of the funny stories about her mum. I've been asked to be on coffin duties on friday, i was a wee bit unsure about it at first, but one of the undertakers gave me a bit of guidance and support. Those people do a great job in difficult circumstances and they sometimes dont get the recognition they deserve.
  18. Cheers RiG. She's sitting with her sister and the minister just now, but the minister has a beard, i cant look at her without being freaked out.
  19. My fiancee's mum sadly passed away on sunday. I feel like shit just now, i dont think its quite sunk in yet.
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