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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Aye, i can just imagine you dressed as a cheerleader. Well, on second thoughts maybe not. The image im seeing in my mind at the moment isnt pretty
  2. And? no-one asked you to, so why are you moaning about it?
  3. there eeeees!!!

  4. Here's a wee photo of what keith will look like by xmas........
  5. ....... says the boy who had a haircut like a fireman's helmet at school.
  6. Had a skinhead once, never again. I looked like uncle fester.
  7. Chill out man, it was a sarcastic, tongue-in cheek comment.
  8. You're about 5ft nothing. Ruggy's a bigger lad. Contest over. Log off your p.c before you embarrass yourself anymore
  9. I know eh? hard to believe i have friends away from here isnt it? get a grip
  10. We have what i call the "everything" neighbours. They seem to buy nearly every new product that is advertised on t.v, and they are not the most security-concious people either, they have a summerhouse with a t.v and dvd player inside, and they dont even have the brains to put blinds or curtains up so that anyone wouldnt be able to see the stuff and break in.
  11. you going to the social club on saturday?

  12. Auld wifeys who stand and blether in the middle of supermarket aisles.
  13. Cant we just get back to actual petty things, like ummmm, supermarket trolleys with wonky wheels or summat?
  14. There was me going to buy you a pint on saturday if i see/trip over you.
  15. errm, there are more people at work than just me who have noticed it. It was someone else that pointed it out to me.
  16. Sarcasim is the lowest form of wit, my bushy-bearded friend. I know it's hardly a crime, but the p***k in question is one of those snidey bassas that seems to get away with everything.
  17. People at work who take longer than they are supposed to for breaks
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