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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Its because most office workers are p***ks who have some sort of superiority complex even when they're not as important, more disposable and on less money. This exactly. One of the lads from the yard is now in the office, and has basically turned into an errand boy. Out every ten minutes, passing more work onto us, asking us to count stuff, and chucking empty boxes outside the showroom door rather than walking 300 yards to the skip.
  2. https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/pQG9PIL6-Hd3sw
  3. Toranj is quality. BYOB as well, so no getting ripped off with Edinburgh drink prices.
  4. I went on a date with a Russian girl. Even gave me a lift home afterwards. She had a lada in her tights.
  5. Does anyone else have selfish c***s in the office at work?? We get a lot of reps/customers handing stuff in the office, but nothing ever gets handed out to me and my team in the yard. A few years ago a driver asked if he could join the lottery syndicate only to be told "no, it's for office staff only" the office staff might get the sales, but it's the yard guys that are busting a gut to get the orders out of the door. If was the boss in a similar place, I'd make sure everyone was treated the same.
  6. Visiting wife's family in biggar, so popped 5 miles across to Broughton...
  7. How long till the Russians start arriving in white vans and start stealing dogs?? Shared timbuktu xx
  8. I'm in Glasgow at the end of the month, and I've I've discovered where we are staying is about a mile and a half from Barry's at cathcart.
  9. You have a pish at 3.23, but you don't get up till 7.30.
  10. I've woken up for a pish at exactly 3.23 AM the last 2 days. Wtf?
  11. Here's one then. 2 down, 3 across, the clue is "postman's round".
  12. Those responsible HAVE TO FUCKING GO. They know they are in an undefendable position. The damage cannot be repaired whilst they are still at the club.
  13. A bit of digging on Google would appear to suggest it is indeed her...
  14. I had a few pints in linlithgow yesterday. Was decent enough.
  15. I think the gaffer has probably had the chance to walk away, but up until now has left the club in a better place and would rather stay on until the end of the season at least. I'm not sure about berra taking the job should it become available. Someone mentioned jack ross but he'd probably tell us to f**k off after we plumped for locke instead.
  16. My phone is always on silent. I cannot be fucked with loud notifications or ringtones.
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