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Everything posted by LondonHMFC

  1. Really enjoying it, after doing some damage to the big YES billboard and blowing f**k out of silo's, John marked me. Bit of a pain in the arse having planes out looking for you.
  2. Daft question, but is there anyway to change the view when you're in a car?
  3. Ended up buying it. First Far Cry I have played since 3. Brilliant introduction. Lot of little added things like falling from a height and landing on your arse are nice additions. Exploring the map now.
  4. Really want to get it, but can't justify a £50 outlay at the moment. Will wait for the sales, watched a couple videos and it looks quality.
  5. Just finished "On My Block" which is well worth a watch. One of the four has a brother who is in a gang, which he is sucked into, and the whole series revolves round his pals trying to get him out of it. An absolute cliff hanger of an ending, so hoping there is a second series.
  6. Looked like quite a good game, pitch invasion at the end?
  7. Headed across to the Isle Of Wight to watch Newport, but their game was called off, so settled for some Saturday League action. A man in a kilt wandered round the pitch for the entire game.
  8. Car Insurance: £34 a month Phone Insurance: £10 a month Content Insurance: £60 for the year
  9. Yeah quite interested to see how much it all costs. This season I am doing a game from every county in England, got ten to go (48 in total). Done close to £2k in petrol.
  10. Felt the last series on the whole was quite shite, and after the first episode of this series I was set to stop watching. Really enjoyed that second episode though, quite a few belly laughs. This weeks episode is "Balls Up" and @Inanimate Carbon Rod mentioned above that Mick features heavily in it, so interested to see what that is like. I don't hate Mick, but I don't have any sentiment towards him.
  11. Yeah me and the Mrs enjoyed Santa Clarita Diet, didn't seemingly go down too well in the States, but obviously well enough for a second series which starts on Friday I believe? Both series of Wet Hot American Summer were enjoyable, stupid humour but it got me through some awful jetlag after visiting the States last year. Brooklyn 99 is fucking exceptional, not one character in it I don't like. I watched bits and pieces of the Sinner, mainly the last two episodes, but herself loved it. I had to walk away at the CPR incident. Oddly enjoyed Girlboss as well, but after doing a bit of research on the main character, in real life she is bit of a p***k. So yeah, Netflix is sound, and it's even better I am still watching it on an Ex's account.
  12. Was out last Saturday with my mates and someone took a photo of us, noticed the next day how thin the hair my hair was looking. So went into the barber the other day, and got her to confirm my fears. Said I could get away with it, but it was certainly going at the front (especially the left hand side) and the back where I already have a double crown was going as well. Decided just to get it shaved off, and got a one all over. Took a bit of getting use to, but much prefer it now. No faffing around in the morning trying to cover the odd bald spot here and there.
  13. Yeah we had luckily gone there in the morning, if we hadn't not a hope in hell that we were going to see it. Much preferred Haarlem to Amsterdam if I am honest, lovely little place. Will definitely go back to make the most of it at some point.
  14. This 100%. We went to Haarlem last year, and had a cake each. I had, had one before in Amsterdam a few years previous and it didn't really do anything. However this one absolutely floored me and a mate. We had gone to this cafe, then to a booze shop to get a few bottles. Sat beside the canal drinking and then it hit us. Felt like a wave going through me. Took me about five minutes to shuffle round from the edge and stand up. Just walked through the town pissing ourselves laughing. This was at about 2pm. Four hours later we were still chuckling away, but it had lost all amusement. Had to stop looking at each other, or talking because it would inevitably end up with one of us bursting out with laughter which would set the other off. In the end, we managed to make our way to McDonalds, the meal sort of helped me out, lost the fuzziness that I felt. He couldn't bring himself to eat, so we just went back to our digs and fell asleep till the next morning. Felt 100x better after that, but basically ruined a whole day.
  15. "Nobody know's how to drive" a comment you hear numerous times in wintry conditions. Usually said by someone who can't work out why their breaks won't work when they come to a junction at 100mph
  16. Looking like they could go out of business at the end of the season after Rio Ferdinand's bid of £10 million was rejected. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/rio-ferdinand-save-dulwich-hamlet-10m-offer-revealed-jack-pitt-brooke-a8224891.html Staying in that league, Glenn Tamplin has said he will sack himself if they lose at home to Wealdstone tomorrow. This is after they lost 2-1 midweek to Folkestone.
  17. Have found he has become insufferable since going on Talksport. Then again working with Jim White would do that to most. Enjoying the Golazzo podcast, Richardson does a really good job of presenting it. Some really interesting chats as well, not on current Italian football, but things that have happened in the past.
  18. Have a look on SNS, or Peggs & Son, last time I was there they stocked them. Got a pair of Forest Hills this morning, from Offspring. Imagine this will have a knock on effect for them with future Adidas sales as they have released them a lot earlier than they were meant to. Few sizes left https://www.offspring.co.uk/view/product/offspring_catalog/1,21/3118613375
  19. Young Offenders on iPlayer. Watched the film on Netflix a few months back and really enjoyed it, so was chuffed BBC decided to do a little series. Not the best thing on the planet, but certainly heartwarming comedy.
  20. Maidenhead V Eastleigh last night, home side running out 3-1 winner. Saw Eastleigh at the start of the season and thought they would be challenging for the league, but looked really poor last night
  21. Amazed they haven't had the Arthur Wait stand taken down by now. Disaster waiting to happen in that away end.
  22. You took that very personally. Plus there was no way he could know I supported Hearts, I was naked.
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