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Everything posted by Phillips455

  1. The club has just announced the 19/20 season ticket refund plan. Basiclly you can claim for 4/19 of the season tickets cost back through a bank transfer or in person (once the ticket office is safe to do so). What is interesting however is that if you decide to forgo the refund (the total amount owed is around £130,000) then Motherwell can claim the VAT back as it would be considered a donation ( around £22,000 total). Heres the direct link: https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2020/06/10/2019-20-season-ticket-refunds/
  2. I do believe this Colts idea would be dead in the water? I doubt you would get the 11-1 within the premiership to vote for it and even the champion ship could vote against it due to the devaluing of the prize funds. I would certainly want Motherwell to vote against any Colts team set-up.
  3. Regarding the Motherwell end their are a few options available for games that Season ticket owners could not visit due to the COVID-19 Situation. They can have the equivalent amount of games credited off of their season ticket when they renew for the 21/22 season They can have the equivalent amount of match tickets for games in the 21/22 season. With this in mind, they will most likely just sell the season tickets as normal next year, with the current years season ticket holders being compensated instead (If they choose to). I am not sure how St Mirren deal with their season tickets but i guess it will be up to the club and their current situation at the end of the 20/21 season.
  4. Motherwell just confirmed that their season ticket holders will get access to their live streams at no additional cost.
  5. I doubt they will offer this. Sky are only offering the Season ticket holders as a measure of good faith and only until the social distancing situation is lowered to allow a return to stadiums. Also there is currently nothing in place for fans to watch away matches ( apart from buying a season ticket for every club in the league) so who knows what will happen.
  6. TO be fair, 2 seasons ago we were in a similar situation and they gave the option for shirts to either have the sponsor or not printed on it. Any sponsor will end up making the design a bit worse, so this is probably the best version.
  7. Similar to the 3rd kit we had a while back, but that band makes it stand out! Much better than just a plain white or Black top.
  8. I am wondering if we are still looking into buying O'Hara? I assume the whole COVID-19 Situation may have resulted in the potential deal falling through.
  9. Here is his goal from the Motherwell U21 vs Sligo Rovers game in teh Scottish Challange cup game His goal is from 3:40 ish in case the time stamp failed. Nice finish and he seemed to be an okay defender. What a terrible loss .
  10. Was just told by my brother about this. Hes 2 years younger than me which is just terrifying. Apparently it was due to cancer? I wish all of my condolences with his family at this difficult time. Edit: Miss-read the sun article. One of those adverts that looked to be part of the article mentioned cancer but the real reason has not yet been stated. Apologies.
  11. im wondering why Hearts even released a statement like that. Surely putting into writting that you are threatening to sue the league if they do not push through league reconstruction would damadge any case of bullying against hearts and their situation? It seems to me tbat this is just a massive own goal which makes it more likely to fail, but im not a lawyer so who knows.
  12. Next seasons Champions league/Europa League is due to start in October this year. The 19/20 Champions Leagur/Europa League fixtures are due to be played in August. I am still not sure how they will changing things. Possibly they could expand the group stages to have a few extra groups, then have 1 extra knockout round. I do not think they can take away any european places from clubs unless they arent eligible play in europe. Even in that case it would just go to the next best club in that league. We will just have to wait and see with UEFA and how they will plan for next seasons European football leagues.
  13. "There are no examples of other leagues in Europe doing this... ...except one, France." Not the best way to state your cause.
  14. An injunction to stop Scottish football from being played?!?!?. Hahhahaha. This guy is off his rocker. Its like Rangers 2012 all over again
  15. Just purchased my season ticket this afternoon! Hopefully we will have some games to use it on. Regarding the Furlough, i'm glad we are actually utilising it. With the amount of money we have, i believe we could end up in some serious trouble if we had to pay everyone with basically zero income coming through. Just like @thisGRAEME has said, we are not a rich club like most of the English Premier league and we don't have the big financial backers that some other Scottish clubs may have. If Celtic require to furlough their staff then i would expect every Scottish team to do so as well.
  16. Well, Motherwell would be guarebteed atleast 6th tgis season, Rangers 3rd and Celtic 2nd so they would all get an amount higher than £1.1million. The rest of the league however would obly be able to recieve the £1.1 millionnmark if thjs was the case.
  17. https://spfl.co.uk/news/statement-from-the-spfl-board Apparently there was only 39nresponses? Premiership: Yes -10, No -1 Championship: Yes - 7, No - 2 League 1&2: Yes - 16, No - 3
  18. If players are due to leave at the end of May anyway, why wouldd they only want a month or 2 extension? If they get injured, which is highly more likely with a rushed end to the season, they lose out on a potential move to anyone else. Also you have to factor in that lots of clubs will be losing a lot of players so there will be a demand to replace those players, even if cash is limited. Just looking at this situation, the solution with the least amount of issues contractwise is to call it as it stands if the season cannot be completed by May 31st. Play past that then you get into legal battles that clubs cant afford. Null and void would then cause legal battles over performance pay, win bonuses etc as the entire season would technically not have happened. As it Stands has similar legal battles but they would be limited to the 8 remaining games. Overall it is a train running towards the station with no breaks, and we will be crashing in some form or manner. I miss the days were we talked about potential top 6 spots.
  19. What I think should happen is for the Nations League tournament to be cancelled. This will allow for next seasons fixtures to be played during this time frame which can lead to a later start for next season. It allows some free time during the summer to play any postponed games. Hopefully the situation gets better by April/May but if not, this would still allow a gap between the virus passing its peak and the new season starting.
  20. Probably a big pay rise in his contract along side the release clause. Remember he was still being paid one of the lowest wages in the entire squad. Now I bet he will be near the top.
  21. Battle for 3rd spot here. With the Match against Rangers before the split and todays results mean this should be a must win match for ourselves. I hope Allan Campbell isnt too injured and hes fit for this match. Seems like we are getting to the crucial stage for this fit for European football. I will say 2-0 Well. Turnbull and Main OG.
  22. Well, atleast we have guaranteed a top 6 spot. Win the Aberdeen game on Friday and the Kilmarnock game and we will have some breaking space before tha ranger match.
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