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Brother Blades

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Everything posted by Brother Blades

  1. Completely, I drilled it into my kids to not litter as that’s they way I was brought up, hopefully they’ll do the same with theirs.
  2. If people leave dog shit on the ground in the woods (not on tracks), I’d prefer they did that than go to the bother of bagging it up and leaving it on some branch where it just looks & acts like a fecal bat in the dusk. I hate littering & often will pull people up for dropping stuff in the street, mainly just pensioners and school kids cos I’m not mental. My mum still says to this day, her proudest moment of my entire life was when I was around 2-1/2 and she gave me a Spangle on the bus & I put the wrapper in my pocket & she received praise from an old fella across the aisle for bringing me up well.
  3. Is there any chance Labour can overturn a 24,000 majority, Id have thought not tbh.
  4. Yeah, and get your sisters from the south side to defend it.?
  5. Strange question, think it maybe sets you out as a weirdo?
  6. It was absolutely deliberate, however, I don’t expect anyone to believe me, it was also an exaggeration of my ignorance of EPL football.
  7. Or even looking up how to spell their new managers name? In other news, he’s apparently already looking to sign “out of favour” Harry McGuire.
  8. Ok, got you now. Of course EPL fans are ignorant of Scottish football, as they will be of anything out with the top 1 or possibly two tiers of their home country, they probably know more about the top of the big 5 leagues than they do about bottom 6 in their championship. ETA- absolute fanboys.
  9. Tbf, I hold the EPL in open contempt too, I think I’d struggle to name the captain of one team, maybe could name 3 or 4 current managers, it’s just not important enough to me to pay any attention. I actively dislike it & more so the Scots that will attend the pub to watch the excitement of Fulham v Brighton.
  10. Don’t disagree with this at all, but we are the only nation included to only have two club badges featuring since the turn of the millennium. It’s thoroughly depressing.
  11. Holmes is OFTW. Utter c**t of a man & completely devoid of talent.
  12. I once stole the letter g from the signage above a kitchen showroom. It has shutdown since then, it used to be called “Angus kitchens” Unsure if both events are related.
  13. ^^^ wants to let us know he’s going on an exotic holiday IMVHO!
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