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Brother Blades

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Everything posted by Brother Blades

  1. Totally agree with this but he also has previous for running to the mods to get stuff deleted when he sees it as too much.
  2. I once mistakenly used my CCC to pay a bar bill, it was a large bar bill, very large. I noticed the mistake & informed the company & paid the money back, I was later informed it had already been approved & if I kept my mouth shut it would never have been noticed. Ffs!
  3. I would participate but unfortunately fall outside the selection criteria. But good luck anyway. For what it’s worth. Meat - good, all kinds, preferably rare unless poultry or pork. Plant based- only the sausages from Aldi, you know, the really peppery ones. Everything else, awful.
  4. Yeah, I’ve been really disappointed with coverage, (on BBC)I wonder if it would have been different had it been in Manchester or elsewhere in England?
  5. Just today there was a story on LBC about our current foreign secretary touring the Caribbean on “business” in a private jet that costs £10k per hour! Per fucking hour!
  6. You’re just raging as you failed to get a dentist appointment when you’re cemetery of a mouth could still have been sorted. Nae lucks.
  7. Puns are shite! Lets get back on Topic!
  8. I used to work in Nigeria & names like Thankgod, Faithful, Gracious, Praisebe, Glory & Lord we’re not uncommon.
  9. Financial handicaps at start of season. Average spend calculated on previous window -signings, wages & bonuses. Every 1% above average spend = one point deduction at start of season. To be repeated in the Jan window.
  10. Am I being a dummy? Why was this post downvoted? Is it a made up interview dialogue? Is it because Satoshi rubs everyone up the wrong way? Admittedly I’ve had a couple of wines, but seems to me (if true) that Tierney is acting’s like a mature player who wants to play more but understands the current managers tactics. I’m confused.
  11. What’s that got to do with the current topic being discussed?
  12. Despite all my arguments against the death penalty, I hope nobody brings Jim Goodwin into the discussion.
  13. Sorry if this point has been made in between page 1 & now. Correct, penalty isn’t a deterrent at all, it doesn’t even figure in criminal activity until you get down to very low level crime - shoplifting etc & even then, social stigma plays a far bigger part than anything the judicial system can do. I understand why this thread was started & it’s a particularly abhorrent set of circumstances, but the overall question is regarding death penalty. No, never, whatever the crime. There are far too many instances of false conviction & you can never take that back. The biggest thing for me is that it’s essentially state sponsored murder- how can we see taking a life as the most heinous crime & then as a society say it’s ok?
  14. Awful stuff, almost makes you lose faith in humanity.
  15. I had the unfortunate experience of seeing a young girl collapse in my local last night due to over intoxication. They way it was handled was superb - the bar staff (who by the way had refused her drink & she had consumed her alcohol at a different premises), immediately called an ambulance, another customer (former doorman, who knew first aid), put the girl in the recovery position, the police were also alerted as the ambulance was around 30 mins away, they arrived & took control of the situation until the paramedics arrived, she was taken to hospital & the paramedics said she’d be kept in overnight for observation. Ok, perhaps not the exact same circumstances but everyone involved last night was only concerned for the girls well being & ensuring she was safe. Robertson & Goodwillie acted in the complete opposite way, trying to take advantage of someone who by witness accounts was dangerously drunk, they lied about their purposes, they raped her & abandoned her in a strange place, anybody trying to defend them in any way is a complete & utter scumbag. Unfortunately there’s plenty of the rapist defenders about - cos goals!- if my team signed him I’d not only not attend games, I’d not go back until the people involved in the decision were gone too.
  16. That looks fucking fantastic! Why do we tend to drown our pasta in sauce?
  17. See also “the proof is in the pudding” just f**k off! Ive also seen this used by supposed journalists!
  18. Can’t argue with anything you’ve said, all completely correct. I think the frustration arrives when younger people are wanting to get on the ladder, willing to travel but no chance of tickets. Its a great problem to have, as if we were shite, then the clamour for away tickets (and points) wouldn’t exist. I guess there’s no fair solution as a section is always going to lose out. Long may it continue that demand for tickets to watch Scotland far outstrips our allocation. Maybe if we started playing away games in North Korea it might help, not sure our opposition would agree!
  19. Cheers, it’s an easy to understand visual. Much appreciated.
  20. @RandomGuy. where do you get your stats for input if you don’t mind me asking? It’s a nice easy format to understand at a glance. Cheers.
  21. This. It'd be great to see him get a chance, but understand why he’s not & trust that Clarke will still have eyes on him. Maybe one day!
  22. When I saw the words “Price” & “train” in a headline, must admit it wasn’t the first thing that sprang to mind. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-66198491
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