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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Matrix Revolutions was disappointing. Like the 2nd and 3rd films it could just have been a lot better. If you’re hoping for an allegory about LGBTQ+ rights or the blue or red party in America then prepare to find that it was actually all about bullet time. How do the good robots get power?
  2. What the f**k is Ladbaby? British lad culture is a fucking embarrassment.
  3. I’m fully onboard with Kim Jung-Un destroying the west.
  4. I've been watching the Bad Boys movies. The first is basically a reel of Will Smith running with his shirt unbuttoned. The second is maybe the better movie. Gabrielle Union is a beautiful woman. The third is just the same as the other 2. Fairly enjoyable nonsense.
  5. Still not as much of a minter as missing out on 10 in a row cause you wanted to banter your way over the line with a horrible bigot in charge.
  6. The fact that he's hawking various covid fighting gee-gaws on his website is total circumstance.
  7. The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best. Thomas Sowell
  8. Those 3 movies looked terrible tbf. Nightmare Alley maybe the best but I still wouldn’t go see it.
  9. What am I missing? Is it the terrible attempt at embedding a link?
  10. Here come P&B Tartan army gonks rushing to defend Robertson.
  11. Chelsea have been pish. How long before the commentators starting wanting Tuchel out and give it Big Sam till end of season.
  12. Countries with better healthcare than the UK are also locking down. NHS funding isn’t the issue.
  13. I’m surprised at that. It’ll be a real challenge for Killie to find someone as staunch as Thomas King Billy Battle of the Boyle Wright.
  14. How is this a thing? I nearly joined dfinity last year. Thankfully I dodged that bullet.
  15. Howe should be throwing a few hundred million Arab bucks at Chelsea and Man Utd for Gilmour and McSauce. The 2 best midfielders in the Barclays/the world IMO.
  16. North Shropshire, parliamentary by-election result: LDEM: 47.2% (+37.2) CON: 31.6% (-31.1) LAB: 9.7% (-12.4) GRN: 4.6% (+1.4) REFUK: 3.8% (+3.8) A definite rejection for Labour as well.
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