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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Fernandez coming on to score the penalties.
  2. West Ham are too wasteful. They could be 4 up. They’ll regret missing those chances when Man Utd get their penalties.
  3. But we won the war. We’ll be done in a few weeks.
  4. Did anyone tell Handcock that the vaccine he created is RACIST?
  5. Another one who thinks Brexit is a time machine to the past.
  6. “The greatest thing that’s happened on Twitter”. Soak it in lads. A guy calling a woman a bitch is the pinnacle of Twitter.
  7. Middle aged men worrying about getting green dots on an anonymous Scottish football forum is worse than coronavirus.
  8. I’m genuinely shocked when a Scottish team wins a game in Europe.
  9. I doubt Aberdeen would get far enough in the competition to get Real Madrid U18s.
  10. I am slightly concerned about the side effects of the Pzifer vaccine. I’ll let it be tested on fat Brit porkers first. Also I get the flu jab every year so I won’t be lectured on the importance of a vaccine by someone who doesn’t get the flu jab because they can’t be bothered.
  11. A good question. A few men in their 30s on here haven’t.
  12. Hungarians are more right than they should be but they’re still not wrong enough to want to leave the EU.
  13. The police sitting on Facebook again. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-55136640
  14. David Moyes gets a lot of stick but he’s a solid #Barclays upper mid-table manager.
  15. She wants to go away for Christmas. Me to her multiple times - I’m not sure it’s a good idea to go. Places might be closed, there’s the lockdown and it’s only a 4 day holiday anyway. Her to me - It’ll be fine. We’ll be careful. Some random at work to her - You’re going away? Is that a good idea. Her to me - We should cancel our Christmas holiday away.
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