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Posts posted by Binos

  1. 3 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    Another case of this ‘stay indoors’ shite that really grinds my gears. What in the name of actual fcuk is wrong with using the phrase ‘stay home’. That works. I’m at home right now. I washed the car. It doubled up as my exercise and trip outside for the day. If it was warmer, I could sit in the garden. I might wash the windows tomorrow.... I’ll be nowhere near any cnut, never mind breaching the 2m rule. I am officially past caring if anyone thinks my attitude on this is poor form. You stay indoors and shut the blinds to the world if you want to. Leave those of us who are following the advice and trying their hardest to get on with adhering to the government’s own advice to get in with it. Also, if braindead fcuks cannot heed the advice, and publically flaunt it - arseholes having parties, neds maybe gathering in a park to drink, whatever - not my problem. These fcuks better not be responsible for the rest of us actually having to be shut indoors though.

    The media want you not just at home but indoors so you can keep watching

  2. 3 minutes ago, madwullie said:

    That number changed when measures were put in. 500k was what it would have been had we did nothing. It doesn't mean they were wrong, just that the figures were revised when we took action. 

    The long term death toll will be far greater if create a global depression

  3. 1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:


    Why? There’s absolutely no reason to. There is a “rational, controlled behaviour” mode which sits somewhere in the middle, and which we are all being expected to practice now.

    All that has happened in the last ten days is that certain leisure pursuits have been put on the back burner for a while.

    Nobody should be “shitting bricks” at this point.


    Tell that to folk in Italy

  4. 17 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

    Those graphs are interesting. But what do they mean? Why are these regions so different?

    Or are they just 'ahead of the curve' and the rest will catch up? Fkn hope not.

    Age of the population apparently

    Italy have a very old population, second oldest in world

    Mediterranean's living on fresh veg and olive oil rather than deep fried pizzas

  5. 1 minute ago, Donathan said:



    From the 22nd January when everyone thought this was just the sniffles



    It's not a surprise though that no one was too alarmed

    From memory the Chinese had avian flu, sars and mers all in the last 20 years

    All localised outbreaks not spreading

    Same with ebola in Africa

    How wrong we were/are

  6. 54 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    Good post.

    Worth noting what Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said:

    "Waiting for a vaccine should not be honoured with the name 'strategy', that is not a strategy."

    It's a really good article.


    I know

    We have never cured the common cold

    What guarantee is there we could ever produce a vaccine

  7. Just now, dorlomin said:

    The options are for the UK seem to be 1) we have waves of lock downs and lessening of restrictions to manage the pressure on hospitals till a vaccine is developed mid next year.
    2) A cure is discovered that massively alleviates the risks in the next 6-12 months. And the lock downs are no longer needed.
    3) We go on super lock down and trace every case and possible contacts and eliminate the disease in the UK inside about 3 months with very severe restrictions on international travel in and out till the vaccines arrive.
    4) (not going to happen) We swallow the death rate.


    Two weeks ago the suggestion of London on lockdown would have been laughed at. One clown who posted just above me mocked the idea that SARS CoV 2 was a pandemic 3 weeks ago. Other laughing about it being a bad flu. 

    This is our lives for the next 12-18 months. Millions will die from this disease. America may be very hard hit but some countries in Africa have perhaps 10% of the population with tuberculosis and others with maybe 20% with HIV. 

    This is going to get very fucking real for the people least able to get help. 

    Some c***s were laughing when the first UK case died, "pre-existing conditions" and other comments, hundreds of thousands to millions of  our population fit that bill. 

    This is real. It is not a drill. 

    Good luck and best wishes to all in Scotland and all who read this. (Actually all P&Bers). Social distancing and good hygiene will help slow the spread and may save the life of someone you love. 

    Shit is about to get very real. 


    We will, sadly, gravitate towards 4

    The whole world will when it becomes clear there will be nothing worth saving and no life worth living if we don't

    The self preservation will kick in

  8. 4 minutes ago, Forest_Fifer said:
    23 minutes ago, Kamenitza said:
    They made it compulsory for supermarkets here to limit the number of people in the store.  One  way they achieve it is by having only a limited number of chariots  available and one person to a chariot, no chariot - no entry, wait till somebody comes out.

    Chariots? Do they have rotating knives on the wheels to make it easier to negotiate the bog roll aisle?

    When was the last time anyone actually saw any bogroll in any shops

  9. 5 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

    Went to Tesco with a fairly modest shopping list to see me through the following week.

    No pasta and bog roll as expected. No mince, oatcakes, lemons. No Kerrygold butter (boo). Lucky to get one of the last porridge oats and diluting juice. 

    I'll survive, but I really feel for the vulnerable folk amongst us, and am pretty angry at the greed and stupidity of the arseholes that have left us in this situation.

    Macdonald's are delivering

  10. 3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    Oh, we're fcuked, make no mistake about that.

    I think anyone with half a brain knew that when Governments decided to trash their economies and senior politicians were happy to watch their wealth be destroyed that this was slightly more serious than "just the flu".

    The death toll is undoubtedly going to be horrendous and if and when we come out the other side then the world will have changed dramatically. 

    Nobody likes to think about it, but this really is a post apocalyptic movie and we unfortunately are all part of the cast.....

    4 percent is the death rate

    The post apocalyptic nature will be the total destruction of the deveped worlds economy

  11. 4 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

    Imperial College Covid 19 response team now saying that the "best case" scenario for the UK is 250,000. 30% of cases will end up in hospital and half of those will die. Their previously used models are a lot of shite.

    This is some caper.

    A 15 percent death rate is miles above anywhere else has experienced

    Even Italy are at 7 percent and that's against only known tested cases

  12. 5 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    But why shouldn't they ?

    We were just told this afternoon by our CEO that the company cared about us, blah, blah, blah, however the upshot of all the bollocks was that the show must go on and everyone would still be expected to turn up to our large City City Centre office as usual.

    The majority of our 1,000+ workforce commute from Renfrewshire, Ayrshire and Lanarkshire so while we're being told by Gov to avoid social contact and only necessary travel etc, the reality is for most of us that we'll still be expected to turn up for work each day in crowded offices etc. So basically all the health and safety advice may work great in Governments fantasy world but back in the real world it's a completely different story.

    Incidentally Schools remain open, Courts remain open and despite the rhetoric it's business as usual for most of us.

    So personally I see no issue with going for a pint, especially if all the rest is deemed to be not only acceptable, but expected.

    Trains, the office, off your family

    That's usually where I've picked up a cold from

  13. 2 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

    The theory I've seen is this shutdown is going to last months. If they blanket ban now, the stupid quotient will be flouting it within days and, like Italy, the whole thing will fall apart. However, if they make it voluntary at first, the majority will obey then get extremely pissed off at the stupid quotient flouting it. So when they do enforce it, the public will support the measure and self-police.


    Who knows if they're right? The only thing we have to go on is Italy, who fucked it up.

    Self police

    Sort of like in death wish 2

  14. 9 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

    Things are going to move very quickly from this point onwards. 

    Most European countries are effectively shutting down for the next 3 weeks, with only supermarkets and chemists remaining open. 

    Expect the same in the UK in the next few days. 

    The French are keeping fag shops open

  15. 1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

    The problem is that this is so infectious and we're only at the beginning, who's to say how many will have died by August ???

    With the measures being taken im not so sure, as if get like euros are draconian

    If no measures taken could be hundred thousand, hundreds of thousands

    Nursing homes cleared completely

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