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Posts posted by Binos

  1. 3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    Oh, we're fcuked, make no mistake about that.

    I think anyone with half a brain knew that when Governments decided to trash their economies and senior politicians were happy to watch their wealth be destroyed that this was slightly more serious than "just the flu".

    The death toll is undoubtedly going to be horrendous and if and when we come out the other side then the world will have changed dramatically. 

    Nobody likes to think about it, but this really is a post apocalyptic movie and we unfortunately are all part of the cast.....

    4 percent is the death rate

    The post apocalyptic nature will be the total destruction of the deveped worlds economy

  2. 4 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

    Imperial College Covid 19 response team now saying that the "best case" scenario for the UK is 250,000. 30% of cases will end up in hospital and half of those will die. Their previously used models are a lot of shite.

    This is some caper.

    A 15 percent death rate is miles above anywhere else has experienced

    Even Italy are at 7 percent and that's against only known tested cases

  3. 5 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

    But why shouldn't they ?

    We were just told this afternoon by our CEO that the company cared about us, blah, blah, blah, however the upshot of all the bollocks was that the show must go on and everyone would still be expected to turn up to our large City City Centre office as usual.

    The majority of our 1,000+ workforce commute from Renfrewshire, Ayrshire and Lanarkshire so while we're being told by Gov to avoid social contact and only necessary travel etc, the reality is for most of us that we'll still be expected to turn up for work each day in crowded offices etc. So basically all the health and safety advice may work great in Governments fantasy world but back in the real world it's a completely different story.

    Incidentally Schools remain open, Courts remain open and despite the rhetoric it's business as usual for most of us.

    So personally I see no issue with going for a pint, especially if all the rest is deemed to be not only acceptable, but expected.

    Trains, the office, off your family

    That's usually where I've picked up a cold from

  4. 2 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

    The theory I've seen is this shutdown is going to last months. If they blanket ban now, the stupid quotient will be flouting it within days and, like Italy, the whole thing will fall apart. However, if they make it voluntary at first, the majority will obey then get extremely pissed off at the stupid quotient flouting it. So when they do enforce it, the public will support the measure and self-police.


    Who knows if they're right? The only thing we have to go on is Italy, who fucked it up.

    Self police

    Sort of like in death wish 2

  5. 9 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

    Things are going to move very quickly from this point onwards. 

    Most European countries are effectively shutting down for the next 3 weeks, with only supermarkets and chemists remaining open. 

    Expect the same in the UK in the next few days. 

    The French are keeping fag shops open

  6. 1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

    The problem is that this is so infectious and we're only at the beginning, who's to say how many will have died by August ???

    With the measures being taken im not so sure, as if get like euros are draconian

    If no measures taken could be hundred thousand, hundreds of thousands

    Nursing homes cleared completely

  7. 1 minute ago, Detournement said:

    The pub I was in last night was heaving. It seemed like everyone was trying to get a good Saturday night in before they get closed.

    2020 the year of the house party. 

    Austria has banned any gathering of 5 or more

    No parties happening there

  8. 8 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

    If someone dies from something that is not Corona virus, but they have Corona virus, does this count towards the numbers?

    For instance if someone has Corona Virus but dies in a crash? 

    On average 17000 die each year from seasonal flu

  9. 2 minutes ago, Deanburn Dave said:
    36 minutes ago, Lofarl said:
    Was at Tesco.  No Pasta, Rice or even Cous Cous.  Some Bulgar wheat was left but who knows what thats for.  No frozen chips and no chicken or beef mince.  Bog roll and soap all well gone.  Tins of soup and beans was bare.  Plenty of condoms.  Went down to my local wee shop and got pasta and rice.
    Think I might just start swiping on everything on Tinder to use those condoms.

    Bulgar wheat is easy to prepare and can bulk up a salad in a similar way to cous cous. You can add it to sauces to bulk up a meal as well. It's healthier than chips......but a lot less tasty.

    No wonder had been left

  10. 6 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    I’m trying not to e cynical but this has really brought home how stupid many people are. Friends of mine who last week were posting Facebook memes and jokes about it are now posting that we sho7kd close every school and impose compete quarantines.

    At the same time, my colleague who was on call last night was off to the pub and when I mentioned social distancing he jokingly said he’d wear a fat suit to keep people away from him, then he said seriously that the pubs would go bust if people stopped going.

    Many businesses may go bust


    But with a 3 percent mortality rate as opposed to the 0.1 percent mortality rate of seasonal flu ( which itself kills on average 17000 a year) ...


  11. 7 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    I think his point is McGregor is pish for Scotland mate. 

    Nobody would argue your point that he’s a good SPL player buddy.

    McGregor can go missing for Scotland

    And can go missing in Europe

    Which suggests SPL player

  12. 11 hours ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

    Another game, another dropping to the bench

    Nit even good enough to face Livingston for the League One # failure 😃

    Back to being bit part

    Naismith will definitely start

    Good for Christie though, we need him playing

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