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Posts posted by Binos

  1. 23 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

    I've always thought that at international level you either devise a system then pick the best players to fit that system, or you pick your best players and devise a system to get the best out of them. We don't seem to do either. I can't fathom why we consistently shoehorn players in to positions other than their natural one.

    We also have never understood, how do we play

    Are we an old British style team, like Iceland or Ireland still use successfully

    Or are we a new passy about style team

    We seem to do a bit of both but also neither

    Devoid of identity or direction

    With a new 11 every game

  2. 12 minutes ago, Rscot said:

    I just don’t rate Clarke, he has neither the football brain or the personality for the job. Clarke is an assistant manager, a coach to take training sessions etc, not a manager.

    He spent two years, through some fairly miserable humpings saying, it's about the system, im establishing a system

    Then wins three games on the spin

    But next games changes the system, saying, it doesn't matter about systems?

  3. 38 minutes ago, Rjc-1988 said:

    The reality is that at International level even modest opponents on paper ........don’t give the ball away cheaply. Players like McGregor,Jack and Forrest are used to getting the ball back from weak opponents who are invariably “beaten before they start” in the SPL.

    International football is absolutely turgid to watch (not just Scotland) - loads of ball retention in deep areas and very few crosses, shots, goalmouth action. I only watched last night to see how Lyndon performed and I thought he did very well despite almost non existent service.

    Straight away McGregor and Forrest were caught on the ball, as they are used to strolling through games against dross

    But they are seasoned internationals and uefa club games

    They should know this

    Just replace with any of premiership alternatives

  4. 1 minute ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    He’s not past it but he probably needs a move to freshen things up and get a new challenge.

    Unfortunately Scott Brown seems to have complete control over him.

    Him and Forrest were so off the pace


  5. 1 minute ago, MarkoRaj said:

    Always good to come on here postmatch for a bit of perspective

    Thought the formation showed signs it could work

    Tierney didn't put a foot wrong and is probably our best centre back. McKenna did fine as well

    Jack did the simple things well and I'd probably have him over McGregor in future. There's definitely no need to have both

    Dykes linked the play very well and is a very good option to have.

    Certainly seen far worse Scotland performances

    There's definitely no need to have McGregor at all

    He loses possession consistently 

  6. 1 minute ago, Staggie_93 said:

    Bearing in mind, Israel are ranked 94th in the ranking and we toiled big time. 94th behind the likes of the mighty Madagascar, Syria and Haiti. Not promising whatsoever but Monday gives us a chance to put some things right before the playoff.

    Shows what a nonsense the rankings are

    However Israel are still total gash

  7. 1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

    People are seeing what they want to see re Dykes. I get the desire to pump up a player from the Scottish Premiership and then defend them, but if you're happy with that then you're watching a different sport to the one I'm watching.

    In fairness, he was OK but was completely failed by the dreadful, confused team selection by Clarke. No urgency, no creativity, no clue. We need to improve big time on Monday or we are out of this group before I've even had a chance to boo the team in person.

    We're already out

    Failing to beat the other diddy team in the group at home

  8. Just now, MarkoRaj said:

    Pretty much the line up I'd have gone for tbh except I'd possibly have found room for Armstrong somewhere

    Intrigued to see how things pan out

    Glad Jack is getting a chance, don't rate cooper at all as he's slow as f**k.

    Plenty of dynamism in midfield that will be able to support Dykes

    Was sure Armstrong would be in

  9. 1 minute ago, DrewDon said:


    McTominay - McKenna - Tierney

    Forrest - Jack - McGregor - Robertson

    McGinn - Christie


    Something like that, maybe? Possibly more of a 3-4-3 with McGinn and Christie pushed right up to play off Dykes. 

    Clarke always plays a back 4

    Above would work though, maybe

  10. 2 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


    I’d agree with your squad except go with McGinn over McGregor but I get what you’re saying about lack of games. I just think McGinn is too important for us not to start in this game which is probably the biggest “must win” in this group. Expect a few of their players to be quite rusty too.


    Mcginn will play 10

  11. 1 hour ago, Smokerson said:

    Yes, as it has directly given Scotland their best chance of qualifying in 20 years.

    I know

    This again is our best chance, and this time at a world cup

    Unless folk think we're gonna win any groups

    Plus with getting'promoted' Fridays a must win

    Mcburnie, not fit to start, ok, but we'll be the ones retaining his services so we can bring him on, even for last 10 if we so wish

    Weak all round on this

    Sends all the wrong messages

  12. 1 minute ago, G51 said:

    If players like Steven Fletcher and Oli McBurnie don't want to play for Scotland, then fine. They can just ask not to be selected.

    One of them has, one of them hasn't. I'm guessing there's a bit more to this that'll come out over the next few days.

    Maybe playing in Sheffield turns you into a c**t

  13. 23 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    I've seen him play a few times as a lone striker for Swansea, and possibly also for Sheffield United and he has been pretty good at it.

    Maybe they were able to get further up the park than we're able to in international football

    For us he looked completely isolated and totally incapable of bringing up midfield into play

  14. 3 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

    I think players should be able to choose whether they play for their country. Does seem a dick move getting a call up then not bothering to turn up so, yeah, f**k him off.

    They do

    Scotland have about 5 or 6 current guys who just refuse to play for us

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