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Posts posted by Binos

  1. 1 minute ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

    What is 5 day rule?

    If you don't play for international team due to injury

    But then look set to turn out for league team within 5 days of fixture

    International team can get uefa to ban you from turning out for your club

    N irn did it with Lafferty

  2. Btw

    He's hopeless as a lone front man

    Can't hold the ball up, can't link the play, immobile

    He looked hopeless in the role we play

    He's a beenpole poacher, a decent one, with sheff u playing two up and the non goalscoring mcgoldrick doing all the hard work

    This is hopefully a godsend and allow dykes, who looks will fit our system, to bed in before the big game in Oct



  3. 1 hour ago, DAVIDB69 said:

    Should Scotland play the five day rule card through this, they should but they won’t .

    The 5 day rule

    He's playing even before the game he's pulled out for cause he was injured

    He should simply never be called up again

    International career over before it ever really began, his choice

  4. The formation won't change it will be 4231


    Palmer Gallagher McKenna Robertson

                 Mctominay McGregor

    Forrest             McGinn          Armstrong


  5. 2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

    Seems the FBI use different definitions of who counts as a law enforcement officer, this one counts it as 687000 and rising in 2018. The problem is there are so many separate policing bodies in the US. And the population figure I get is 328 million, so actually one cop for 477 people. But then they have another 450,000 in the National Guard to back them up, which would give a figure of one cop for every 288 citizens.


    The national guard is the same as the TA

    Unless you're going to count the TA as police here?

  6. 7 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

    fair do's. I thought you were implying it wasn't, was wrong.

    In Canada 3 percent of the population, native indigenous peoples, make up 20 percent of the prison population

    Are indigenous peoples inherently criminal, no

    Why are tonnes of them in prison. Cause they're kind of fucked and similar to the Australian aboriginal people subject to some of saddest stories about

    Will the police go onto reservations primed for discovering criminality far more than any other areas, undoubtedly and they'd be right

    It's the same process in the states with black areas but over the border everyone is armed

  7. 5 hours ago, MixuFruit said:



    Well, as a wee thought experiment imagine if instead of there being black and white people in the USA there were just people who could or could not pronounce the word 'nuclear' correctly. Imagine that people who said 'nucular' were the ones involved in more crime - do you think the police would shoot them in the same sort of numbers?

    Is widespread gun ownership a factor in how many police are shot? Absolutely. Are black people dispoportionate assailants in these cases? Yes. Does this mean there's something intrinsic to black people that makes them do this more than white people? Absolutely not.

    Who said that there was

    The reasons why an area's population had higher crime would be deep seated long running socioeconomic

    But it could explain the police's disproportionate behaviour in those areas

  8. 8 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

    This doesn’t explain why black civilians are so much more likely to be shot though.

    I imagine because from a population of 10 percent make up 50 percent of the prison population and from a population of 10 percent black on black murders make up 40 percent of the murder statistics

    So the police are racially profiling and are even more jumpy and trigger happy than normal when in black areas

  9. 6 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

    The police being excused for being the judge, jury and executioner by the usual suspects on this thread. The lack of humanity is pathetic. 

    Are they really

    Are they not reacting violently, very violently, fatally... before any violence can be perpetrated on them

    Is it not just the whole country is so violent and gun obsessed

  10. 36 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    There are just under 700,000 police officers in America, it's not that dangerous. I agree about the guns though.

    Didn't know that

    We have 17000

    That would make it at least twice as likely to be violently killed on duty than in UK, with gun culture not surprising

    The fact they have to employ 700,000 to police a population of 320m against our 17,000 for 60m is scary

  11. 7 hours ago, BillyAnchor said:

    A Christian family values group has raised almost $100,000 for the 17 year old who carried an illegal weapon across state lines and then shot 2 people. They have still to start a fundraiser for the father of 3 who was shot 7 times in the back and is crippled in hospital.

    The Atlanta couple appearing on the convention is very concerning too

  12. 8 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

    In this instance, being black meant he was 250% (rising to 600% in some areas) more likely to be shot than if he had been white.  

    Not being involved in law enforcement, I'm maybe getting this all wrong but if I'd been one of the two policemen, and I wanted to arrest that guy, then at some point in the ten seconds between him calmly walking from one side of his car to the other I'd have tried to arrest him. This may have taken the form of putting handcuffs on him. Maybe hitting him with my night stick, maybe pepper spraying him. Letting him get up, spend 10 seconds sauntering around his car then running up and shooting him seven times in the back just wouldn't have occurred to me. I suppose that's what separates these highly trained guys from the rest of us.  

    The stat I'm sure is true

    But also is, I think, that a population of 10 percent make up 50 percent of the prison population

    So when entering black areas I imagine police are very jumpy/trigger happy, for fear of getting gunned down themselves?

    There's been something like 50 police violently killed on duty this year, whereas here in recent several years I can only remember the guy got dragged by the quad bike thief's

    Really most to blame, again, is America's gun culture's effects


  13. 26 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:


    To save anyone watching the video and fucking up their YouTube algorithm, its pretty much 'if you can't do the time, don't do the crime'

    With the 'crime' being a black man with a criminal record and the 'time' being shot 20 times in the back.

    In America, if you fight with the police

    Then get up and go to your car

    You will be shot

  14. 1 minute ago, Hard Graft said:

    Seriously would not like to think she took her own life with total disregard for her baby.  Surely if she was contemplating that she would have left the baby with the father.

    It's horrible but far more likely afraid

  15. 11 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

    I’m surprised that you’re surprised the first test event in Scotland during a global pandemic wasn’t normal. 

    What was your ‘mate’ expecting? A pint at his seat, the pie stall open, and the ability to give a gammy to one of his fellow egg chasers every time a try was scored? 

    Why would anyone want to go to something like that

  16. 2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    There's been no official confirmation or even hints in the media that she starved to death. People are just assuming that because the baby is malnourished.

    It's an absurd assumption

    Far more likely she took her own life

    The impact of governmental decisions around asylum seekers leading to this of course requires, well, examining, don't know the words

    Why would you not let someone who wants to work, work

    That's what we need, hard working people who are going to contribute to society

  17. 29 minutes ago, Scumjob said:

    Cooper looked alright in the Championship. I fear for him a bit in the English Premier league as I don't think he's good enough to step up. Would love to be proven wrong mind.

    Caulker had a good long spell as a decent quality Premier League centre back. He's not at that level now but he's got more higher level experience than any of our other options and if he can find anything like his best form then we should be considering him. He's got a physical presence without being lumbering as well.

    Thankfully we're playing Israel

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