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Posts posted by Binos

  1. 2 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

    Ngl, we're playing the best team in the world tonight and given outside of the importance of this result, it's about what I would expect sadly.

    I will say this however (although I know I will get disagreements which is fair), we have a back up plan which literally asks us to beat either Finland or (hopefully) Bulgaria at home once without a reverse fixture, and then either Norway or Serbia at home once without a reverse fixture. We have home advantage in any game we play in the play-offs, and I feel like we can handle these teams. I am happy to be the only one not devastated after tonight, as Scotland are in a way better position as my club is in terms of achieving their goals.

    So far Clarke's record at home is scrape Cyprus win by grace of square bit of post



  2. 10 minutes ago, DunblaneICT said:

    As depressing a read as I thought it would be.

    It has been clear for years that those that run the game at the grass roots / development / coaching levels have not been doing their jobs. Whilst no doubt being well paid...............

    A lot of smaller nations seem to be able to produce decent teams....................Wales,  Ireland, N Ireland, Iceland, Croatia etc etc......................................why the f**k can't we?????

    You'd have to pay me pretty handsomely before I'd even consider turning up to watch Scotland.



    Because we don't coach any of our players properly

    We think we can still coach kids at getting stuck in. The entire sport has moved on and we haven't

    And we love it and have no desire to change

  3. 7 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    I thought Russia were excellent. We are just not at that level. Quite galling to watch to be honest.

    We have talent but 3 of tonight’s back 4 are bang average and you won’t get anywhere with that. Stephen O’Donnell had an absolute stinker and I don’t just mean the goal. Hopefully he recovers though.

    Russia will deservedly finish well clear in 2nd.

    Recovers to what

    The man has no ability

  4. 3 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    No he didn’t. When the Russians effectively shut up shop in the last twenty minutes or so, McBurnie received the ball a few times, with blue jerseys actually nearby. He couldn’t lay it into their path, hold it up, or take on a shot himself. He has a cool hipster beard and runs around with his socks slung low though, so that’s something.

    Mcburnie has the same level of ability as O'Donnell

    Picking them both should be a sacking offence

  5. 23 hours ago, craigkillie said:
    On 28/07/2019 at 16:17, craigkillie said:
    Not in their squad today.

    Bates about to join Sheffield Wednesday on loan. Will be 5 Scots there I think - joins Liam Palmer, Barry Bannan, Steven Fletcher and Jordan Rhodes.

    There's no reason we shouldn't be qualifying for our own home tournament

    6 premier league players Inc one at Liverpool arsenal and man u

    The Celtic contingent

    And a whole bunch at upper half championship sides

    Miles better than Ireland or northern ireland have had when qualifying

  6. 1 hour ago, Kuro said:

    I think he's been regressing for quite a while now actually.  If he moves this summer you're looking at one of the best LB's in the world in two years, if he stays much longer he'll never realise his potential. He's in a comfort zone up here, 80% or more of the games he plays are simply far too easy for him. Even the European games he plays against top side his team get pumped so he isn't benefiting much from that either.

    He won't regress

    But he won't progress and become the player he should be

    Plus they overplay him to a state of injury, even though had good second left back

    Can't think of any reason for him to stay

  7.                         Marshall

    Tierney Souttar McKenna Robertson

              Mctominay McGregor

    Forrest       Armstrong     Fraser




    Tierney Souttar McKenna Robertson

    Mctominay   Mcginn   McGregor

    Forrest           Griffiths       Fraser



    Surely, to god, that can qualify through euro playoffs


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