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Posts posted by Binos

  1. On 02/07/2019 at 21:42, CaspianChris said:

    The ref in this Tunisia game is being extremely lenient in his decision making and especially his use of cards.

    It seems a general theme of the tournament is that the refs have been lenient.

    Or that African football, like South American, is more physical

    Unlike the namby pamby version the European game has become

  2. On 01/07/2019 at 17:16, rhliston said:

    Lets hope it does not get the same amount of use by having 3 teams regularly play on like last season it then it might be in a better condition. Have no problem with the Uni using the ground for their Lowland League games but the fact is Motherwell reserves were using it as well.

    Grass pitches can only take so much use before they start to deteriorate.

    Was it not voted the best playing surface in Scotland

  3. 19 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

    I can't wait to the EPL crashes. I hope it happens while I am alive.

    The Italian league started taking over late eighties

    Prices rocketed and all the best players were going there by mid nineties

    By early 2000's arse had fallen out, fiorentina, Parma going bust

    You might not have to wait too long

    Certainly if some eg political events lead to Arabs or russians pulling their money out. Could happen

  4. 50 minutes ago, senorsoupe said:

    I would imagine the first season he will play in rotation with Fernandinho as he learns Pep's system and what is expected of him.  63 mil is a lot but it shows how important Man City sees that role

    It's a fantastic signing considering some of the insane prices flying about

  5. 9 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


    So what you are saying is that it was offside and it was a penalty?

    I struggle to see any contact at all, just as I didn’t see any contact in the USA Spain game.

    Neither of those decisions were made because of a rule change.

    VAR has been a bit of a farce, but I wouldn’t say those were particularly bad examples of the system.


    I don't feel that should be an offside or a penalty

    If the rules say that they are I feel the people setting the rules have got it wrong


  6. 10 hours ago, Ann Dan Otherthing said:

    There is no ‘new rule’. If any part of the body that can legally play the ball is in an offside position (which it was), when the ball was played by a teammate, regardless of intent or advantage gained, if the player then plays the ball or impacts an opponent, then they are offside. VAR got that one spot on.

    By new rule I mean in the last couple of years

    At one point in time you needed daylight

    And for many a year the attacker was given the benefit of the doubt

    No toe poking out shite

  7. I don't understand the new offside rule

    One foot in front can be due to stride pattern at the very moment of pass, something which doesn't give an advantage and previously blissfully unaware of prior to the nonsense of var

  8. In all common sense

    It was never offside, she had one foot in front

    And it was never a penalty, it was the tiniest accidental flick

    The rule changes/interpredations are absurd and var takes an age to arrive at them

  9. 14 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

    Of course he is. Putting people and groups into boxes is the socialist way. The Soviet Union's foreign policy was the same. It's no surprise that Putin's Russia has these policies.

    Don't be silly

    It's still an attempt at control

    But a completely different mantra

  10. 18 minutes ago, ali_91 said:

    Well no, in the same way that if ‘insert random 200 ranked male tennis player,’ beat Serena Williams, it wouldn’t mean he was a better standard of player than her, it just means he has a biological advantage, and hence why the majority of sports at elite level are split by Sex. 

    It would also mean that he was better

  11. 1 hour ago, GordonS said:

    Did you sit and watch Jess Ennis win gold in 2012 saying "Daley Thompson would hump her"? Or Liz McGolgan, back in her heyday, saying "guys who can run faster than her would run faster than her"?

    Apart from tennis occasionally, nobody talks like this about any sport other than football. It's tedious, and nothing more than a show of the fragile masculinity that's all too common among male football fans.

    It's just running

    That's why there are no comparisons

    Footballs a wee bit different

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