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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. That performance is deserving of some lengthy praise, but I'd rather have a can or two. But a special mention for Ian Harkes who was unbelievably good.
  2. Getting really disheartening seeing sporting events with fans outside of Scotland. Just this weekend the snooker in Sheffield, and the WRC (World Rally Championships) in Croatia. I know we'll have 12k at Hampden in a couple of months, but you just know were it not for David Marshall's save we'd be joining Dublin in turning the games away.
  3. Ross Doohan in on an emergency loan. A player that caught the eye at Ayr I thought. Would be tempted to throw him in tomorrow.
  4. The wee fella due to return to Fun Fours football at Broadwood in a couple of weeks, but the restrictions being enforced by SYFA (and thus by extension the SFA) are so onerous that it's probably going to put paid to the whole thing (again). You'd think the vaccination process has yet to start, and far from "learning to live with the virus", it feels like we're stuck in a 'restriction rut', with no one willing to be the one who eases / ends, frankly daft, restrictions. I believe parents may be allowed to watch their kids before too long, but only one per child. FFS
  5. Problematic in Scotland as SG and SFA don't want old firm disproportionately affected as would be the case.
  6. Personally I don't rate Bain at all. Mellon might well have some good contacts and knowledge of the English lower leagues (a market that's served Scottish PL teams pretty well in recent times). No matter what, Siegrist's shoes will be big ones needing filled.
  7. Steven W

    Top 5 Gigs

    It was indeed. Also Nadal and Federer played a classic 5 setter Wimbledon final in the afternoon. I'm guessing you were there too? And if so, fucking hell! It's a small world!
  8. I agree. But it's going to be nigh on impossible to find a keeper of Siegrist's quality for the amount of money we'll be offering.
  9. Good data obvioulsy, but until such a time that lockdown, face masks and social distanicng is ditched, its not worth a toss. Somewhere along we need to properly put these vaccines to the test.(I've every confidence they'll still owrk just as well)
  10. Where have you seen that? Was pretty sure we'd confirmed the 25% and that was that.
  11. If there were fans in the stadium I'd hope we'd play with a bit more verve and swagger. Whilst it's been the same for every team, the impact of having no fans shouldn't be dismissed. As an example, I'd argue when Harkes scored against St. Mirren to make it 3-1 with 40 minutes left, with a crowd behind us we may have comeback to get a point. I like Mellon and think he's done decent enough (and achieved the season's objective) but obviously the football hasn't been particularly easy on the eye at times. I'd hope next season, with fans behind is (hopefully!), we'll see some more positive football.
  12. Certainly not a scintillating performance, but thought we were comfortable throughout. It was never going to be a cakewalk and we done what we had to do.
  13. Said this for many months now. I’d add that I don’t think it’s any coincidence that crowds (however small) are allowed, literally the day after the last league matches
  14. Fair do's - Lets see this put into practice then. I was contacted by Test & Trace last week as my son was "exposed" to the virus while playing outdoor football for a couple of hours and is currently isolating (again). A total nonsense, and high time we got a bit more sensible with all this. Outdoor transmission is neglible, and surface transmission appears likewise.
  15. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-cleaning-the-air-in-offices-school-and-hospitals-key-to-fighting-coronavirus-in-future-12275752 Stuff @Todd_is_God has been saying for weeks
  16. Think someone on the thread flagged this up earlier. So it would seem she did.
  17. The small print at the bottom says that higher capacities can be agreed with councils/Government. So it's not worth the paper it's written on?
  18. So as I understand, Level 0 is late June (and thus after the Hampden games) with maximum crowds of 2000 (which is10,000 less than the Hampden games). What the fucks going on??
  19. Said this a week or two ago, and was widely dismissed as "doom and gloom nonsense". These Hampden games are a 'wee treat' for us, and once they're out the road normal service will resume.
  20. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-lockdown-is-main-reason-for-drop-in-coronavirus-cases-and-deaths-not-vaccinations-says-boris-johnson-12274266 Long suspected this myself. Ireland's numbers yesterday suggested so. Should pick up a few reddies for some uncomfortable truths. Not good news
  21. Hows Ireland getting on with its vaccination progress? Noticed their numbers today not too disimilar to ours. A bit more, but not massively so. Hoping this alludes to progress picking up over there now.
  22. Thomas Moore has been my own personal Covid hate figure. Thoroughly enjoyed his time in the limelight, getting tangibly excited by the slightest hint of bad news (the Bristol variant being a "variant of the variant") and generally just being a very poor journalist. Can't wait to see the back of him.
  23. Found myself wondering this too. Normally it would be based on your points total, and those with the most points would justifiably get first dibs on the tickets. But these aren't normal times....
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