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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. Meant to post this earlier - it'll have flew under the radar a bit I imagine, but last night the SFA performed something of a u-turn on football for u12s by now allowing it proceed on a contact basis. Since late December when we went into lockdown it had only been permissable on a non-contact basis. This is a little confusing because to the best of my knowledge SG have never actually OK'd this.
  2. Posted similar earlier today. As it stands at the minute NS/JL are viewing cases just as important as hospitalisations and deaths. They're either going to have to change their stance on that, or eventually plunge us all into lockdown #4
  3. There's a reason why schools are open quicker than, say, offices.
  4. Despite his 'being a Tory', Rory Stewart always struck me as something a good egg.
  5. You're right - its not a surprise. And it won't be a surprise either when the same thing happens, probably on a grander scale, in a couple of months when the economy begins to open up. Which then takes us back to the question of whether cases actually matter? NS / JL have both been very clear that it does (although I - and I know you - would dispute that), so it can only lead to one of two things - A) A big shift in strategy from NS / JL (which I woudn't rule out - NS frequently mentioning the economy in FMQs today I note) or B) back to restrictions again.
  6. The hospital numbers more or less halved in around a fortnight. A real sharp decrease in hospital numbers for this wave. Sturgeon and Leitch will be keeping an eye on the recent uptick in case numbers though. (the case numbers seem to have upticked a little, around the same time as the vaccine process has slowed, so there might be something in that? Vaccine numbers seemingly to go back up again from next week onwards I think, so hopefully cases numbers will reflect that)
  7. Also from Sky's rolling coverage. That looks like news that you could describe as "shit hot!" :-)
  8. From Sky News' rolling coverage Interesting the "Important" caveat that they've used there. They've never felt the need to do it with all their previous scaremongering stories.
  9. Quite. So long as there's one bombscare of a leader taking a rather lax approach to this, then Covid will have the opportunity to exist, transmit, mutate etc. Bolsonaro needs brought to task by the rest of the worlds' leaders.
  10. In this particular lockdown tennis, golf, fishing and horse riding have been allowed AFAIK What confuses me is, I can't see what today's looseining of restrictions (specfically u18s allowed to do non-contact outdoor sports) actually changes. Yes it'll allow non-contact football / rugby training, but as far as i know, both of these are contact sports.
  11. Is it? Not so sure myself. U12s can train in a non-contact manner. (whether they actually do it in practice is open to debate I suppose)
  12. Wracking my brains just now - allowing non-contact, outdoor sport for all u18s, will allow exactly what sports to go ahead? Tennis, golf, fishing, horse riding all OK as things stand. I'm sure there must be others, but can't think.
  13. Do not like if true. I only caught the end of it. What I did catch was him highlighting that three worst LAs are the three Forth Valley ones, and that there is a lot of movement in and out of Clacks (which is the current table topper). There may have been something about a decision being made next month (which is politics talk for a decision has alreday been made)
  14. I heard a snippet on the local radio news there. Did Swinney drop a hint that A) once the tier system comes in it'll move to Health Boards rather than Local Authorities and B) Forth Valley may well remain in Level 4?
  15. Beat surrender Strange Town The Dreams of Children Standards The Bitterist Pill
  16. I hope you're right. I, and am sure everyone else, am totally scunnered with this.
  17. I've not seen my parents at all (and thus they've not seen their grandchild) since September. (Live in a different LA) But aye, it's not been strict enough. FFS I should add, I got a few red dots (not that I could care less) for my earlier comments, but this woman is directly advising NS. How are the hell are we ever going to get completely out this shit, when Sridhar is coming away with shit like that. I'm furious reading that to be honest.
  18. I don't disagree. But I just can't picture a restriction-less life at any point this year.
  19. Social distancing. Limits on attendance at sporting events (including travel) Travel restrictions. There'll still be a lot of 'local' restrictions, i.e., parents won't be able to watch their kids play football. Schools, for example, will still feel compelled to have some kind of restrictions. That kind of shit is going to be on the go for a very long time.
  20. Honestly, they should just take them away. It's no worth the bother any more.
  21. I know there's going to be some minor changes to level 4 restrictions announced on Tuesday, but Mother's Day next Sunday should be a nice wee test for the restrictions. Are Sturgeon and Leitch really going to spend next week telling us Don't Meet Your Maw?
  22. Comfortable away win. We're no going to beat Celtic (ever again)
  23. The bit where you said this will all be completely and utterly over this calendar year.
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