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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I don't know myself, but a 4g pitch has been built behind the Falkirk stadium. I'm has floodlights and I think the pitch is fenced off. Pretty their boys teams are playing there and see no reason why the junior side couldn't also. Suspect it might be a bit more complicated than that though!
  2. I just seen that. And whilst obviously good news, my overiding feeling is wtf did it take them so long to discover this? Youd have thought they'd have been throwing everything at it, buy seemingly not
  3. Thank you - so today's number is no different to early August then? (and our infections were in single figures back then) I agree, that hospitalisations is probably the figure we should be keeping an eye on the most just now.
  4. FIrst time its been above 1.0% in the recent uptick in infections. Hospitalisations up six to 264 ICU patients up one to six @Todd_is_God Think yesterday you were saying that hopsitalisations weren't going up hand in hand with new infections. I know its only six new ones, but is this not creeping in the wrong direction now (hope you can prove otherwise?)
  5. For a vaccine to be effective, does it not take a signiciant percentage (over 80% i seem to recall) of the population to take it?) So if you, and thousands like you don't take it, then we're all stuffed. Cheers.
  6. Ah. C'mon! Just think, in a couple of months we could be banging pots and pans on a Thursday at 8pm
  7. Good points that you make. This whole thing is being fed on hysteria (as an example I read that the death rate jumped above the 5 year average a few weeks ago. This was put down to the heatwave they had in England. Yet I don't recall any guidance, daily briefings etc during that particular spell). But for all that, and when you consider NS is "concerned" about today's infection numbers, you've got imgaine that A) they're only going to go up and B) will lead to localised / substantial lockdowns. I personally hope not, but it seems inevitable. (It'll also render NS' relutance to ease restrictions when we at infections less than 10 a day seem all the more baffling).
  8. In the main I don't disagree. And I've agreed with much of what you've said on this thread. But the following equation must make sense to you. More infections = more hospitalisations = more deaths. We're now getting more infections. In time that will translate into more hospitalisations, and eventually more deaths. And when we reach that point, we'll have Lockdown 2. And then we'll come out of lockdown and go through the whole thing again!
  9. I assume there was no deaths. I say assume as the focus on BBC website rolling coverage is foucsed purely on new infections.
  10. Thanks. Was the home top available to purchase there and then?
  11. Anyone able to tell me if our strips are available to buy now? The website seems to suggest that away is still pre-order only, but nothing mentioned about the home top. I bought it on-line on Saturday for my son, and hoping it'll arrive this week, but just wondering if the home is still 'pre-order' only?
  12. I hope I'm wrong but think Chalmers' inclusion might be partly down to free kicks and corners. I don't like criticising the younger players, but I've seen very little from him to explain any other reason for it. By and large I think I'd be right in saying that every corner and free kick this season has been taken by either Pawlett or Chamlers.
  13. The subs is a strange one. He's never made full use of the five subs your now allowed in any game. And to only use two yesterday seemed just plain daft. And for Glass to not have featured for a single minute is a real puzzler
  14. We did look ok. You're right. I thought we were the better team for long periods at 0-0 and 2-0, but there is just nothing there in the final third. Seems strange to be reflecting on our lack of scoring prowess after having shipped four goals, but over the course of our first few games in the premier league it's clear our biggest concern is up front (although our defence is not without a worry!)
  15. Hmmm.... Bit worrying that. As ever plenty of endeavour and industry. But we have a major problem in that we can't defend and we're toothless up front. Not sure what the story is with Glass, but he's clearly not in Mellon's plans. I'd imagine he may be put out on loan when the championship / league 1 season starts (Cove will surely be interested). But I think he would do us a great turn if last season was anything to by. Pains me to say it but I'm beginning to have my doubts about Louis Apperre. Certainly toiling at this level. Needs to be remembered we were a championship team just a few months ago and have barely made any changes to the personnel. Hopefully this will be addressed over the next fortnight as it clearly needs to.
  16. I know that. But they'll be learning sod all from that crowd
  17. Pisses me off. Just switched on the live Speedway from Poland, with a socially distant crowd. Pretty sure they've had crowds at sport over there for a while now. We're still a fortnight away from pilot events. Jason Leitch reminded us today that it's the same virus as the one in March. Aye, it's also the same virus as every other country in the world, but we continue to trail behind as ever
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/53951299 Who'd have thought it would be those two teams? Basically underlines my thoughts the other day as to why Celtic's request was knocked back. For all that, you'd like to think Ross County's home match v Celtic would be 100% for County season ticket holders. But I've been around long enough to know better....
  19. I know that. But pretty sure you its possible to catch the virus whether you're away for sport or for personal business. FWIW I'm glad that our players will be unaffected by the Czech quarantine. It's just that it's plainly a lot of hypocritical nonsense.
  20. Good grief. I forgot they can't catch it. Bolingoli was right all along then
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