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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. The P&B Coronavirus Thread's arch enemy, Proffesor Karol Sikora was going on about this months and months ago.
  2. Wise words. I get that there's not an infinte capacity to the amount of tests we can do, but I'd have hoped by now direct contacts to positive cases would be a madatory 'Get a Test'. He was last in contact with the childminder Friday morning, and so far so good. But I'm well aware its early days
  3. I don't understand what the deal is with testing (lab capacity?), but no matter, after six months we should be seeing testing increasing rather decreasing. My son's childminder has tested positive, so we (me, wife and son) are isolating at home (although to be honest my son is the only one who actually has to isolate). Until any one of us develops symptoms though, we are not entitled to a test, which I find odd. Particularly in my son's case as he's been in close proximity with a positive case for several hours at a time. Fortunately no symptoms from the three of us so far though.
  4. Could be fondly remebered in years to come at Ibrox.
  5. Recent history would suggest she'll go further
  6. Yep. I think every league, League One down will need to go into abeyance. They could maybe (hopefully) put a mini season together starting in March. The Highland League made the right call in saying they'd only start with fans. I'd expect other leagues to follow suit
  7. He's not a politician. like i said.........
  8. He said the same the week before actually. And furthermore that we'll get to a point where we have mass crowds at football matches. In fairness, he's the only politician in Scotland I've heard actually concede that there will be an end to this. To listen to his gaffer, you'd think this is it forever. He gets a rough ride on this forum (because the good folks of P&B know better), but its to his credit he goes on Off the Ball every Saturday like that
  9. A lot of blame directed at the government on this, but for me the blame lies with the JRG and also the club's themselves. Nicola Sturgeon has enough on her plate just now, without worrying about whether there should or should not be crowds at this level of football (I doubt she's even aware of its existence). The JRG, and even more so, the clubs should be lobbying loudly and using social media to create a stir - Basically following the example that was set by clubs at a similar level down south. If I recall correctly, it was actually a mistake when clubs down south initially weren't letting fans in. I'd be willing to bet it's the same up here. If clubs want fans back they should screaming and shouting for it.
  10. Interesting. Never knew about this. (Was it reported in the media anywhere?) However, my overall sense with these things is none of it happens very quickly. Not sure if it gets bogged down in red tape or not?
  11. Sporle MoTM for me. Great to have him in the side. Special mention to Siegriest. Matured into a solid dependable keeper. I, and many others, had my doubts about 12 months ago, but surely he's proved us all wrong. One other thing, what is it with our centre half's? Can be pretty reasonable in a game for long periods, but all seem prone to a catastrophic error in almost every game.
  12. Correct. All we ever get is headline numbers, which create the fear (maybe it's deliberate?). As with everything, the devil is in the detail. And we get no details whatsoever
  13. I don't disagree. But that's where it's heading.
  14. A March / April style lockdown is inevitable. That would be even more brutal, but might as well do it now if you ask me.
  15. Several county FA's in tweeting non-league football in England on verge of being stopped. This is where you begin to realise how well served we've been up here given ours never fuckin' started. The amount of football clubs (and indeed clubs across all sports) that are going to go to the wall is going to be quite something.
  16. When you say better than some, I'm guessing you mean England, USA, Brazil. But very few others. It's interesting how the right wing governments have failed so badly with this. You're right in saying SG's hands are tied to some degree by WM (maybe we'd have done better were it not for a certain vote 6 years ago going the wrong way), but the upshot is, no excuses - this has been handled appallingly. That a second lockdown is on the horizon just goes to emphasise it.
  17. Our leaders have failed us. This first lockdown was a cock up of epic proportions. And now we find ourselves in the same position again six months later. A vaccine (in this country) seems as far away as ever. The economy is trashed. No end in sight
  18. Should have been doing this kind of thing months ago
  19. Its entirely possible. You just won't get paid for a few weeks.
  20. Out of interest, what is it with this forum and that word?
  21. Lockdown 2 seems inevitable. (And dare I say Lockdown 3 thereafter) If it comes to pass Johnson and Sturgeon should hang their heads in shame. Scotland's reward for our slower exit from Lockdown 1? Would seem to be Lockdown 2......
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