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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. So for once something that BJ said looks like coming to fruition with the testing of the entire population of Liverpool. Is this kind of thing a devolved matter? Might we see the same for Glasgow and Lanarkshire before too long?
  2. Was it last week Fiona Hyslop was encouraging us to do our Christmas shopping early this year? And then this week the shops will be getting shut?
  3. Sky News- "Sturgeon floats possibility of 'full lockdown' as Scotland moves into five-tier system
  4. Oh I know that. Think they've been doing that in China too. Can't imagine the UK under Johnson being capable though
  5. I'm sure it was more BJ bullshit and not really worth spending too much time thinking about, but what did Johnson say last night towards the end - something about testing entire towns or cities? He also said something about things being better in the spring, but did he offer any reason as to why?
  6. To be fair, Sturgeon has asked for furlough to be extended umpteen times. It is now, but only on the basis of England's rather glum numbers. She's within her rights to be pissed off at that
  7. Feel free. Hardly anyone is interested in your tiresome whining anyway. Lovely stuff
  8. So you said a bout an hour ago, two hours ago, three...... Happy to say it again if you want
  9. If I remember correctly Cummings was very late for his too. Shows the contempt they hold the general public in
  10. First hour - and I'm in shock - United played well, and were even enjoyable to watch at times. County had the upper hand for the last part of the he game, but very glad to get the three points. Fuchs looks like he needs to shift some weight. He barely touched the ball, although did have a good tackle inside the box near the end.
  11. These measurements seem broadly in line with our tier 4. Interesting to see if NS follows suit. Recent history would suggest she will (may wait a week or something)
  12. So Lockdown #2 seems imminent. When should we pencil #3 in for?
  13. Johnson's presser is now at 5pm. Presumably didn't want to clash with the football
  14. She has never mentioned going back into lockdown since this broke so the only person tying themself into knots is you. At the moment that is 100% all in your head !!! Give it a couple of days. She hinted at it last week anyway
  15. We'll be in full lockdown on Wednesday too. If you're happy to put Falkirk in tier 3 based on its proximity to Lanarkshire, then you'll also be happy to put Scotland in full lockdown based on its proximity to England. Shame really, but she's tying herself in knots now. Tweeting a few times about how the measurements taken recently are working, and now (most probably) going back to full lockdown.
  16. Spent 10 minutes there watching some live music and accompanying 'mosh-pits' on YouTube. We're not going to see things like that again are we? Felt quite nostalgic
  17. Nah, cannae be right. 'Gaz' says the schools are riddled
  18. Not as negative as yours surely ? Think she brings me down
  19. Thats not going to happen. Our leader seems to have a very negative mindset
  20. Aye. Aye thats what I'm saying FFS.... ("enjoying" was Sarah Smith's phase several months ago)
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