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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. There's only so long we'll get away with playing like this and picking up points
  2. A point on the road is no bad thing. From what I could barely make out we looked a lot better with McMullan on - no surprise to me. Bolton, after a bright start at United has went backwards. Possibly after having to play full back for a few weeks. God, we're boring to watch. But picking up points.
  3. If the fog is as bad on the pitch as it is on TV the game should be abandoned. Willing to bet that St Mitten already being three games behind schedule is a factor in it not getting called off
  4. Seem to remember reading about this several months ago. Its been a worry that the virus would jump to other animals, and then back to humans in an even more severe form.
  5. Interesting. Well done NI. If Belfast was in Scotland it would probably be in Tier 3, and so were it played over here there would be zero attendees. (And they'd be waiting a long time until they ever were to reach Tier 1). They should also be panicking like f**k about people using public transport to get to the game
  6. The BBC report yesterday (Kirsten someone on twitter) more detailed than that. In short she doesn't believe the quick test that's being done in Liverpool is accurate enough. She did welcome 'mass testing', but only on the proviso its better than the Liverpool test. So without such a test, no mass testing (for now) up here.
  7. The Green Party (on the back of the Liverpool testing) asked NS about this yesterday. But she wasn't keen - said the accuracy of the tests weren't good enough. So thats been ruled out
  8. £100! You are clearly have a far healthier bank balance than I do!
  9. I agree. You'll be pretty unlikely to be caught. It just the whole notion of it being law that I find unsettling. Guidance?? fine Law?? FFS its not communism we're living in
  10. I do. Covid is going nowhere. It'll be with us all of next year for sure.
  11. Whit ! If we are in a position to do those things, there will be no travel bans ! Are you suggesting that a rumour of temporary travel restrictions is going to morph into some sort of blanket long term restriction of movement ? A) Its not a rumour. NS spoke about it yesterday - do keep up B) You know as well as I do this travel ban law will be in place for many months - I'd suspect all of 2021 minimum
  12. Not sure what country you're in, but good luck to you. What you've got seems frankly unattainable in Scotland
  13. This travel ban becoming law in Scotland scares the life out of me. A totalitarian state we're living in now. It'd now be a crime for me (and many others) to visit my parents, watch football in Fife, go on a caravan holiday, take a flight to Barra etc
  14. Scottish National Airshow at East Fortune, due in July 2021, becomes a new entry for 'Furthest Away Event Cancelled Cause of Covid'
  15. in answer to myself.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54808104 So it would seem that someone, somewhere is deliberately holding things back. No mention of Elgin I notice (or the NCL).
  16. Bit puzzled as to why we've (as far as I know) heard nothing from either Ross County or Elgin City. Or moreover the SFA. Both clubs in tier one and fans as stadia therefore permissable, albeit with restrictions. Country play on Friday and could have fans there - surely something they'd be keen to see happen. I've long suspected that the SFA will not allow fans until OF fans can attend. Beginning to look that way now.
  17. Good job! Todd was my go-to-man for the numbers a few months ago. Glad you've picked up the mantle
  18. So for once something that BJ said looks like coming to fruition with the testing of the entire population of Liverpool. Is this kind of thing a devolved matter? Might we see the same for Glasgow and Lanarkshire before too long?
  19. Was it last week Fiona Hyslop was encouraging us to do our Christmas shopping early this year? And then this week the shops will be getting shut?
  20. Sky News- "Sturgeon floats possibility of 'full lockdown' as Scotland moves into five-tier system
  21. Oh I know that. Think they've been doing that in China too. Can't imagine the UK under Johnson being capable though
  22. I'm sure it was more BJ bullshit and not really worth spending too much time thinking about, but what did Johnson say last night towards the end - something about testing entire towns or cities? He also said something about things being better in the spring, but did he offer any reason as to why?
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