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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. According to the normally very reliable Travelling Tabby website, Tier 3 Falkirk had one less case than recently promoted to Tier 2, East Lothian yesterday. I know there's other factors at play, but Falkirk surely knocking on door of Tier 2?
  2. That's very obviously someone with their tongue firmly lodged in their cheek
  3. I agree with you on both points. I just think they should have the courage of their convictions. If they think its a good idea, then they should press on and do it (and all the other things they put out in the media to test the water before finally commiting)
  4. According to Freeman "At this point that decision has not been reached" Which, whilst probably factually accurate, it's clearly going to be what happens. Throughout this pandemic every decision that's been rumoured , but 'has not been reached', has eventually went ahead. I wish they'd just tell us straight rather than this charade they seem to like to go through every time.
  5. Just in my head, I'd have thought that an 'information drop' would be task #1. The vaccination process would start thereafter (seems a bit silly getting a leaflet through door about a vaccine if you've already had it). Again, I could well be wrong (and hope I am)
  6. Really? I'm not saying wrong, indeed I hope you're right. But you reckon NHS staff + care home + those administering the vaccine equals a million? A million would have us just shy of a quarter of the way I think. Like I say, I hope you're right
  7. Jeane Freeman says that she would encourage everyone who is offered the vaccine to take it. She says as soon as the vaccines are available they are ready to deliver them and an information drop will be sent to households in January. I assume (but could well be wrong) there wouldn't be any vaccines conducted until all all households have received their 'information drop'. If the 'information drop', isn't until January, then I think a million vaccintaions by the end of Jan is already a goner. In my mind it was always fanciful anyway
  8. Get yer red dots out boys.... Freeman currently encouraging being outdoors as "we know the transmission is low". Whilst at the same time her government have banned certain outdoor activities
  9. No crowds for 9 months, back into lockdown and the highest death toll since May just yesterday. Add to that the Christmas super spread announcement yet Bozo and co think 1 day after lockdown ends, sports crowds and more unbelievably indoor crowds are suddenly a good idea. That epitomises the nonsensical response to this whole episode. We 100% should not be basing any measures here on their example. I agree 100% with you that because England does something doesn't mean we should. But there's surely a middle ground somewhere
  10. Noticed a few horse racing tracks' social media streams' in England have put up that, should they be placed in tiers that allow the return of spectators, then how to buy tickets will be on their website today. Meanwhile we've got Thurso FC still being told to play behind closed doors, 3 weeks after being allowed to have spectators return......
  11. 9 cases reported today. And on a clear downward trend. Would surely be chapping on the door of tier 2, were it not for sharing three borders with Tier 4 LA's
  12. So we're not going to be doing testing of those who work in care homes until March. But we're planning to have a million vaccinated by the end of January Doesn't seem to add up
  13. Yeah. But in July furlough only was only til end of October. If they knew then what they know now (ie end of March) it may have been a different story.
  14. Agreed. That statement is cringeworthy, and goes a long way to cementing my belief that the goal all along has been to have Old Firm fans impacted upon,at most, equally as all other clubs.
  15. A socially distanced gathering, up to a maximum 300, spread over length and width (x2) of a football pitch
  16. Elgin City hoping to have fans back this weekend. They have a meeting with Moray Council on Thursday and details will be revealed thereafter. That'll be nearly 4 weeks since they were placed in tier 1. No wonder the whole thing is shambles - so you have the Scottish Government, the SFA, the JRG, the local authority and lastly the club itself all having its own wee say in what can and cannot be done. Rightly or wrongly, you just know that when crowds go back in parts of England next week, they won't have to go through the same convoluted process with the long, drawn out end result being nothing more than pilot level numbers.
  17. Had a look myself, but maybe @superbigal will be better placed to comment; Not withstanding the fact that the hospital for Stirling and Clacks is in Falkirk, nor that Falkirk shares borders with Tier 4 LA's, surely Falkirk should be on the cusp of Tier 2 with the current levels?
  18. Wonder if the SG would have anticipated some more 'promotions' in the tier system by now? There's been more 'relegations' than 'promotions', and the prospect of any of the Central Belt LAs reaching tier 2, far less 1 or 0, look very bleak.
  19. But that won't equate to a million will it?
  20. Bit confused that Johnson saying tonight he plans to vaccinate the vast majority of the most vulnerable by Easter. But last week, up here Freeman was saying we'd vaccinate a million by the end of January. I know there's a lot less of us up here to get through, but presumably the volume of vaccine we get will be representative of the population? Freeman's numbers do seem very optimistic.
  21. Yeah I know. Pilot level numbers, and in all honesty a waste of time.
  22. Seems the JRG have now issued a statement according to Chris McLaughlin. (Although it doesn't look like an official press release) Basically asking for the same set of rules up here.
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