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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. Some people are so selfish. (Although I thought the virus had a 10 day incubation period?)
  2. I think you'll find they're needing to vaccinate a few more people for this than the flu.
  3. Oh FFS. Like I say, nothing gets you lot going more than Brewdog A plan on who, where and how should have been in place long before the vaccine was approved. Seemingly being in negotiations with an outfit who made their offer after the vaccine was approved is indicative of poor forward planning (in my opinion)
  4. I know nothing gets P&B going like the mere mention of 'Brewdog', and whilst it's not exactly a done deal, it's interesting to note that they say they're now in talks with SG (and presumably UKG?) about using their pubs as vaccination centres. Given the offer from Brewdog was made not even a week ago, it does point to a lack of preparedness. These things should have been organised months ago.
  5. That batch of vaccines unquestionably should have begun to be administered today. But I understand that they don't grow on trees (all the more reason to have a cohesive plan in place that doesn't result in vaccines sitting in fridges for 24 hours)
  6. I don't think anyone thinks that. But it does need to be ensured that absolutely everything in our capacity is done to ensure every possible vaccination takes place as early as it could.
  7. Maybe I'm picking you up wrong, but we should be going flat out regardless. If each health board only gets say 3,000 vaccines then they should be powering through that in a day or two. Only getting 45,000 isn't a reason to take things easy. Anyway, my point remains that I find it galling that there's all these vaccines sitting in fridges in hospitals today rather than folks' arms. (All the while SG gearing up to dish yet more restrictions to life)
  8. Given that vaccines were delivered to hospitals yesterday, yet the square root of f**k all are being administered today is the first warning sign of how this will pan out.
  9. For someone who's supposedly 'scunnered' with all this, NS tone and use of language is remarkably different when it's bad news versus good news. A 5 post thread this morning on Twitter about impending restrictions preceded a re-tweet of a lengthy study on this new variant. Versus a solitary tweet about the AZ vaccine approval an hour and a half after the news broke. To me it sends out all the wrong signals. Granted things are a little bleak just now, but we really need to be hearing about vaccine progress as well as the all negative stuff. A good example being we get daily updates on deaths, hospitalisations, infections etc. But vaccination numbers are weekly.
  10. Sturgeon also re-tweeting some stuff about this new variant. I've not any problem with furthering restrictions, but it needs to go in tandem with accelerating the vaccination programme. Quite fitting that on the day we begin the AZ vaccine scheme, SG will dishing out more restrictions on life.
  11. Batches of Oxford vaccine have begun to arrive at hospitals according to Sky News. Begs the question why they're not starting the process tomorrow (or tonight even)?
  12. Few post match thoughts of mine; We looked a lot better for the introduction of Powers. Or perhaps more accurately taking Pawlett out the side. Good point for United, but felt with a bit more desire we could even have sneaked the win. Finding myself getting infuriated at how slow we do things though. We do NOTHING quickly. The amount of opportunities we had to take a quick free kick and catch Aberdeen out. But no, every time we take nigh on a minute to take the kick and allow the opposition to get themselves wet up. Pisses me off. Appere's first appearance for a while and thought he acquitted himself well. Same goes for Neilson
  13. If you don't want me to destroy you Run-away Herman loves Pauline Ice hockey hair Suckers
  14. Whilst you're right that the effectiveness of the vaccine should be monitored, the vaccine has been approved for use in the UK. On the strength of that, at this particular juncture, it would seem perfectly reasonable to make some kind of plan / prediction for the months ahead. In every industry plans, timescales, deadlines, programmes etc are worked to - granted there's sometimes hiccups along the way. But I don't see why this should be any different really.
  15. Correct. Think I read that Small Pox is the only disease that's ever been eradicated
  16. If restrictions (including social distancing) are to continue after a mass vaccination programme I'd suggest that the next football season shouldn't even take place. It's a nonsense that this is even being spoken about though. Someone in government will need to one day have the balls to end social distancing. In all honesty, I'm not sure NS has that in her. I can see the election in May hinging on this kind of thing
  17. Stopped it in NI didn't they? Won't happen here as Rangers fans would cause too much grief
  18. A few quick points from my perspective; Thought Bitton's shove on McNulty was a penalty. Why did McNulty not put his laces through it at his good chance just after half time? Couple of Celtic players committed very similar fouls to Smith and Pawlett yet escaped a booking. The first half was summed up with Pawlett's effort on goal Vs Celtic's efforts from outside the box. Interesting that Shankland was subbed. Oh for a player like Frimpong on our books
  19. So it would seem. Or she was maybe on the keg and had a few pals round last night.
  20. Bit surprised not heard anything from Sturgeon this morning.
  21. Don't understand why it won't be rolled out until Jan 4th. Seems like a waste of a few days
  22. I optimistically speculated this might be possible just the other day. Fingers crossed
  23. We were given a notional timeline; Jean Freeman "one million vaccinations by the end of January" That's turned out to be a crock of shit, but after all we've been through some sort of equation along the lines of 'X' amount of vaccinations = the lifting of "Y and Z" restrictions is both not unreasonable, and the least we deserve
  24. Was wondering that myself. If, for argument's sake, let's say the summer is 1st June. Completing vaccinating the 'at risk' group by then must equate to 'X' amount of vaccinations per day. I'd suspect that 'X' therefore wouldn't amount to very much. And that being the case I'd be asking why?
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