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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I don't know. Like I say I find it peculiar. These jags will end up in Scottish arms so I thought it would be worthy of comment. There does seem to be an undercurrent of being more 'enthusiastic' about negative stories. But quite why, I haven't an earthly.
  2. I find it peculiar, troubling even, that the announcement of high efficacy in not one, but two vaccines in the last 24 hours, that will 'soon' (using some of Sturgeon's favourite open-ended language myself there) be available to the Scottish public, hasn't been deemed fit for comment by the First Minister.
  3. Went to book a test there. Was told symptomatic cases only. Doesn't sound right, and very disappointing of it is. I'm sure I read it was open to anyone living or working in the town, symptomatic or not.
  4. So long as its not Boris Johnson & Stanley Johnson
  5. Yeah, probably best aimed at the under 50 group
  6. Lower leagues, Highland League, Lowland etc suspension to continue until 14th Feb. This was always likely - The SFA reviewing and saying 'crack-on' at the first opportunty, no matter the infection rate, was never on the cards. Perception is everything. Having extended the suspension once, I'd be willing to bet they'll proceed at the next review on 10th Feb.
  7. Encouraging news to have another vaccine hopefully on the go in a few months. Struck me though, that the efficacy claims they make are surely based upon living with restrictions / social distancing etc. Will the efficacy numbers be quite so good were we acting like we were this time last year?
  8. This thread inspired me to download the app and have a few games. My first games of chess in about 30 years - forgot (probably didn't appreciate) how good it is
  9. Tuesday is something of an acid test. It's been said that the schools will return in a phased manner, with the younger primary schools going back first (and I keep hearing about mounting evidence that transmission in that age group is pretty neglible). Between the phased manner, the two weeks notice we're going to be getting, and the falling case levels, I was hopeful Tuesday would see an announcement of some kind of return for some kids after the mid Feb break. I worry though that BJ's announcement of "8th March at earliest" will impact this though as recent history has shown that NS prefers to wait for BJ to show his hand first.
  10. To repeat a point I made in the Utd v St.Mirren thread... The last two home games have really brought it home to me the gaping chasm in talent between the Championship and the Premiership. Two, what you might call 'middle-of-the-road', bang average, Premier League teams have been far superior to us on our own pitch for the majority of 180 minutes. I must say I've been surprised at the gulf between the two divisions - I didn't think it would be quite so vast. That said we have little option other than to persist with what, by and large, was last season's Championship team, and although he's in no way free from blame for some our own failings, credit is due to MM for our current league position. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
  11. Where to begin with that...... It's long list and I can't be arsed with it all, but special mention to Robson - really struggling with the step up in the divisions. Some of our passing is beyond woeful. Scoring 5-10 minutes into the second half should have been the catalyst to an all out assault on St. Mirren's goalmouth, but despite plenty possession it just never happened. We just don't have the quality to do it. There really is something of a chasm in talent between the Championship and Premiership. Two successive home matches v both Saints have really proved that point for me.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong;.... So NS and JL spent all of lunchtime speaking about impending quarantine / travel restrictions, seemingly under the belief that this was going to affect ALL travellers into the UK. Now it turns out, not even two hours later that its only going to impact upon travellers from 22 countries on a 'Red List'. Communication between NS and BJ would on the face of it seem almost non-existent at the height of the biggest crisis facing us since WW2. No matter what you think of either of them, that surely can't be healthy.
  13. I've not been fucking anywhere for a while
  14. Right now I'd bite your hand off for that!
  15. Sturgeon's played a blinder. Comes to the mircrophone nigh on every single day, but commits to f**k all. Johnson can't his hold nerve and gives in and gives an indicative date of the schools going back. And a roadmap out of lockdown to be issued middle of Feb. For a wee while it was looking NS was going to have to blink first this time round, but it now she can just adopt the "England + 2 weeks" strategy all over again.
  16. I didn't catch all the briefing, but it was heavy on 'travel' and strong hints at whats forthcoming. Did she specify what restricting travel actually meant? Will I be confined to my local authority for the year, or will I be free to travel in and around Scotland and / or the UK? For what it's worth, I'm favour adopting the Aus / NZ way - principally because I'm sick of seeing packed football stadiums from Australia on a Saturday morning and need that back in my life.
  17. Does seem a little generous. But then I was sucked in by the 3/1 for Utd v St. Johnstone a few weeks back, and don't fancy getting stung again.
  18. "Mr Swinney insists “ we are on course” to complete the vaccination of all over 80-year-olds by the end of the first week in February – while appointment dates are now being sent out to the over-70s." Do they think we won't notice the goalpost shifting???
  19. Good news indeed, but for me this makes Scotland's pathetic roll out even worse.
  20. I know what you're saying. But a copycat riot type thing can't be far off. (Granted, rioting is more of a summer sport)
  21. White / Blue / White envelopes for your dug https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-vaccinating-pets-could-become-necessary-scientists-say-12198428
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