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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. England now to begin vaccinating the over 70s. And also 24hour vaccine pilot in London at the end of the month. Some on here suggesting they're doing it all wrong. I know Scotland's approach is to do the care homes first but I don't see why we can't do other priority groups concurrently. When a house builder builds a row of houses they don't wait to complete the first house before starting the second. Will be an interesting couple of weeks comparing the two different approaches.
  2. This is what I've been thinking the last few days. Hence my rather grim posts of late. The infection rate in Scotland is remaining pretty solid at around 1800 a day, yet almost everything is closed. It investigating (I like to think it already is). I saw an article yesterday about Covid in ice cream in China, but it was dismissed as being a one-off. I find myself open to believing it could possibly be in some of our foodstuff, cause I'm struggling to think how else 1800 folk can be catching it a day.
  3. Thought the same myself. Surprised to see the 'negative, boring etc' comments. Felt we were knocking on door of a goal for most of the second half. Final pass just letting us down.
  4. True. Ultimately I don't know, and I'm no epidemiologist. Just speculating really. But I can't believe the ice cream thing is just a one-off. Couple this with Scotland's infection rate seemingly rock solid at the circa 1800 a day mark with just about everything closed and no travel, I just begin to wonder is there something else at play? Just a thought more than anything else.
  5. Saw this last night and meant to post, but was busy with other stuff (Morton v Dunfermline!). Virologist says it's a one-off, but find myself thinking "Really?" Would answer a lot of it's being harboured on foodstuff
  6. There's folk cutting about who'd bafflingly argue they're taking the right approach. "Rather than distribute as soon as possible"..... Fucking hell....
  7. Was better than watching Coronation Street. Me and the wee man put ourselves through every minute. Wasn't a classic, but certainly not the worst I've ever seen. Pitch played a big part in the lack of entertainment. Disappointed Strapp didn't take a few more steps into that doorway at one of his long throws towards the end.
  8. I have moments when I wonder if this will actually. We probably all do in fairness. However, whilst it will in all probability end one day, I'm coming round to thinking this could be a 5 - 10 year thing.
  9. In fairness to P&B's arch rival Devi Sridhar, at least she's talking about a long term gameplan. Heard nothing on that front from SG or UKG
  10. This is what I was hoping. I had heard anecdotadly that was the case in Scotland. So we should see that Scottish line really lift off before too long (We'd fkn better!)
  11. I'm hoping there's more to it than meets the eye in thas rather (on the face of it) rather depressing graph? Anyone able to explain?
  12. "Can't" is a terrible, terrible word. "Can" is so much better.
  13. Astonishing stuff. I don't REALLY want my vaccine at 4am when I could have it at 8pm. But if by getting it at 4am frees up a slot for someone else at 8pm then I'm 100% up for it. Basic stuff surely? We need to throw the kitchen sink at this, and to have him advocating doing it during fairly normal working hours is mystifying. Bordering on troubling in fact.
  14. NS touched on it there and now on BBC website. She should have told UKG to piss off STV's Gordon Chree says the vaccine rollout plan published last night has been subsequently deleted. Mr Chree says it does not appear to give any target date for all adults to be vaccinated by and what practical steps are being taken to avoid wastage of the vaccine. The first minister says the vaccine plan has been temporarily taken off the Scottish government website as the UK government raised concerns about the level of information about supply of the vaccine that was included. She explains the UK government has concerns about commercial confidentially and discussions are ongoing to address them.
  15. Will do some - in fact will do quite a lot I'd bet. My point isn't that the task is difficult, rather why set the reader a task at all? They manage to announce deaths and infections on a day-by-day basis, so why is it not being done here? If 16k vaccinations were adminsitered yesterday, just say it.
  16. Its already noticeable that the numbers are released in terms of total amount done, as opposed to how many took place yesterday. It therefore results in A) reporting a nice big number each day and B) forces the reader to enter into a bit of maths, and a bit memory jogging in order to deduct yesterday's total from today's new one.
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55651518 This story re immunity for "months" is doing the rounds this morning. MSM seem determined to give it a bit of a 'bad news' spin with the "you could still get it again", but on the whole its surely a positive story. Couple of things though - they say it gives you protection for at least 5 months. But the study itself only lasted 5 months, so it could of course actually be significantly longer (it may not of course, but we just don't know). Also it was conducted from June - Nov when numbers, particularly in the early part of that timeframe were pretty small. Looks like to me there's been a hell of a lot of 'protection' been built up the last few weeks.
  18. Saw that too - was wanting a read of it, only for a 404 error.
  19. That will not be the measure. In will be deaths and hospitalizations falling to X will mean Y and Z can re-open. Perhaps. But bottom line, loosely speaking, there will presumably be a formula of sorts which should lead to things opening up again (Granted at this particular time, I can see the logic in the SG keeping it 'under-wraps', but presumably its being discussed behind the scenes?
  20. I can confirm that is the case (certainly in Falkirk's case) . My wife has signed up.
  21. Comes as news to me. I thought any changes to the restrictions were being announced today.
  22. Thank you - I figured there would be some reason to it
  23. 871 people have been vaccinated and its unknown what health board they belong to. What on earth is going on there?
  24. That's purely financial I suspect that those are still operating. Obviously those interactions ceasing would help break transmission chains. Hence my dumbfoundedness (if that's a word)
  25. You think picking up curtains at Argos is more essential than food processing or manufacturing, is that for real ? Whit? No. Owing to the large amount of people it employs, I think construction (of the building of new houses / flats etc) should be stopped. This in turn would stop the manufacturing of the goods that feeds that industry. All of which would result in thousands sitting in the house on furlough rather than their place of work. I think this would have a higher impact on the infection rate than stopping folk picking up a pair of curtains from Argos. You seem to think otherwise.
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