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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. Is tomorrow even on the cards though? I know they done it for Rangers last season, but obviously they're a special club
  2. It's a nice thought, but in reality I'd expect that in truth Sridhar would like to go out for a meal, a concert etc the same as the rest of us. What I don't understand is she seems to advocate being in this state of paralysis for an undetermined amount of time. We've been at this nigh on a year now, and the long term gameplan is now needing widely discussed.
  3. Spot on. How can we ever get back to normal with what she proposes. I assume even Devi herself has a desire to get back to normal at some point in time. Somewhere along the line we'll need to test the water, and just see what happens. If the virus, even with a large proportion of the population vaccinated were to flare up again, we'd just need to react accordingly. She seemingly proposes never dipping as much as toe in to the water.
  4. An over weight Garry O'Connor in his Morton strip..... Anyway by the same token, as to which you're alluding, the numbers therefore should be coming down just now then? I'm not seeing that myself
  5. Think she's maybe referring to the likes of Costa which (where I stay) is still open (only for takeaway obviously).
  6. Still good news though. Assuming the J&J one produces good results and is approved, we could (correct me if I'm wrong) have four vaccines on the go by April?
  7. Staggering though it is, it can only be a handful of times that someone has done that??
  8. Wisest words I've ever uttered! On the ball the day
  9. Agreed. The roads are not exactly quiet just now. I think not closing construction (any by that I mean building of houses, flats, hotels etc) is feeding this. By allowing construction, this in turn means manufacturing stays open. In turn manufacturing's suppliers stay open. So on and so forth. Its a huge sector.
  10. Seems to be gaining a bit more publicity today, but this got lost in among the Trump / America stuff yesterday. Tend to think there will be more good news on this front in the coming months (J&J vaccine for instance)
  11. Yeah. Perhaps the more pertinent question is where will we be in 11-12 months time?
  12. I can't fathom why we haven't done the same
  13. Correct If that's the only long lasting restriction from all this, then that's something I'm sure we all could cope with
  14. I can be arsed with talk of an acceptable risk which is where this has been heading from day one. But no, I can't be arsed with restrictions next winter
  15. Daily updates on vaccinations in England from a week today. Your move Nicola
  16. I'd guess they'll definitely be shut until the February long weekend (middle of the month)
  17. Feels like it's gearing up for March 23rd 2021 to work out as an important (positive) date in all this
  18. That being the case (and if I've got my numbers right - quite possibly not), so we're saying 900k come the end of this month. And 2m come May. So won't that represent a downward shift in pace?
  19. 900,000 vaccinations by the end of the month is a good thing but will take the drive and some 'blue sky thinking' to see it's carried out. The whole nation will be watching to see it is. 900,000 must represent roughly a sixth of the population? Surely we can we expect to see this make a dent in the numbers? Also teachers being prioritised is good news. Might finally put an end to everyone on this thread getting all fractious at the mere mention of 'schools'.
  20. I know NS didn't specifically mention football, but she did say 'stay at home'. I tend to think this therefore passes the onus onto the SFA / JRG. I wouldn't think football going ahead regardless is necessarily a shoe in. They'll also need to act fast (by their standards) as two Scottish Cup games due on Wednesday.
  21. I was wondering the same so done a wee Google search. More bad news! And you can be sure that strain will be here by now too. (Although didn't Pfizer say that they could tweak their vaccine in about six weeks if need be?)
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